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1、【简答题】请用英文回答: What are the components of the business letter structure?

答案:Letterhead, Reference and Date, Inside Name and Address, Attention Line, Salutation , Subject Line, Body of a Letter ,Complimentary Close, Signature, Enclosure, Carbon Copy Notation, Postscript.


2、【简答题】请用英文回答:What does the letterhead include?

答案:Correctness refers not only to correct usage ofgrammar, punctuation and spelling, but also to standard language, properstatement, and accurate figures as well as the correct understanding ofcommercial jargons.


3、【简答题】请用英文回答:Why should business letters be marked Reference?

答案:to avoid confusion


4、【简答题】请用英文回答:What's the difference between British and American dates?

答案:English form follows the order ofday, month and year, while the U.S. practice is to write in the order of month,day and year.


5、【简答题】请用英文回答:Is the Inside Name and Address the sender's or the receiver's?



6、【简答题】请用英文回答:When is Attention line used?

答案:Attention line is used when the writer of aletter addressed to an organization wishes to direct the letter to a specificindividual or section of the firm.


7、【简答题】请用英文回答:How to write Salutation?

答案:Salutation is usually typed three spaces belowthe inside address of the attention line, and followed by a comma for “Dear Sir”,“Dear Sirs”, and a colon for “Gentlemen”.


8、【简答题】请用英文回答:What is the purpose of Subject Line?

答案:Subject Line is actually the general idea of a letter. It calls the receiver’s attention to the topic of the letter.


9、【简答题】请用英文回答:What are the components of a signature?

答案:It is common to type the name of the writer’sfirm or company immediately below complimentary close. Then the person whodictates the letter should sign his name, by hand and in ink, below it. Sincehand-written signatures are illegible, the name of the signer is usually typedbelow the signature, and followed by his job title or position.


10、【简答题】请用英文回答:What documents are often enclosed in business letters?

答案:catalogue,price list etc.


11、【简答题】请用英文回答:Should postscript be written often?

答案:NO.Try to avoidP.S. since it may suggest that the writer failed to plan his letter well beforehe typed it.


12、【简答题】请用英文回答:Please list three types of format of Foreign Trade Correspondence?

答案:Full-block Format,Semi-block Format ,Conventional Format .


13、【简答题】翻译成中文:Usually letterhead is printed in the up-center or at the left margin of a letter.



14、【简答题】翻译成中文:The name and address of the receiveris typed at the left-hand margin about two to four spaces below the date. Itappears exactly the same way as on the envelope.



15、【简答题】翻译成中文:Subject Line is actually the general idea of a letter.It is inserted between the salutation and the body of the letter . It calls the receiver’s attention to the topic of the letter.



16、【简答题】翻译成中文:This is the main part of the letter. Itexpresses the writer’s idea, opinion, purpose and wishes, etc., so it should becarefully planned.



17、【简答题】翻译成中文:Complimentary Close is merely a polite way ofending a letter.



18、【简答题】翻译成中文:When copies of the letter are sent to others,type c.c. below the signature at the left margin.



19、【简答题】翻译成中文:In the full-block format, all lines begin atthe left margin. There is no indention in the letter at all. This format issimple, easy to type, and is often used in business letters.



20、【简答题】翻译成中文:The difference between this format and the semi-block format is that it takes four spaces in the first line of eachparagraph of the body letter. The positions of other elements are quite similarto those in the semi-block.



1、【简答题】请用英文回答:What is the outline for a typical foreigntrade correspondence?

答案:Opening Paragraph, Middle Paragraph, Last Paragraph


2、【简答题】翻译成中文:The opening paragraph of a foreign trade letter is like a headline in the newspaper. It should obtain the reader’s attention at the first sight, and help to gain apositive response from the reader.



3、【简答题】请用英文回答:What are the principles of writing Opening Paragraph?

答案:Be Brief

Indicate What the Letter is About

Refer to Previous Correspondence, if Appropriate

Set a Positive and Friendly Tone


4、【简答题】翻译成中文:Get to the point immediately in the firstparagraph and let the reader find the key information quickly.



5、【简答题】翻译成中文:Setting a positive and friendly tone in theopening paragraph may help to evoke the positive reaction the writer desires.



6、【简答题】请用英文回答:In Middle Paragraph, what necessary background and supporting information should be beprovided?

答案:Usually, information concerning these aspects should be considered:Who, What, Why, When, Where and How.


7、【简答题】请用英文回答:What are the contents of Last Paragraph?

答案:1 ) Conclude or restate the key point 2 ) Request necessary action, if appropriate 3 ) Further confirm a positive image


8、【简答题】翻译成中文:thank you for your letter dated Oct.10th 2019 regarding terms of payment.



9、【简答题】翻译成中文:We are writing to you in the hope of establishing long-term business relations with you .



10、【简答题】翻译成中文:We are looking forward to hearing from you ./receiving your early reply.We are anticipating your order.




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