31. 贷款贴息 subsidized loan; loan with discounted interest
32. 道琼斯指数 the Dow Jones index
33. 抵押贷款 mortgage loans
34. 第三者受伤责任保险 third party injured liability insurance
35. 跌停板 suspension of business in case of slump of stock prices
36. 对冲基金 hedge fund
37. 对外投资优惠政策 preferential policies for foreign-owned companies
38. 遏制通货膨胀恶性循环 curb the vicious circle of inflation
39. 发行股票 issue stocks
40. 反补贴税 countervailing duty
41. 反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures
42. 风险补偿机制 risk prevention mechanism
43. 服务外包 service outsourcing
44. 浮动汇率制度 floating exchange rate regime
45. 符合国际惯例 conform to international practice
46. 负面清单 negative list
47. 高瞻远瞩的战略眼光 strategic perspective of vision and foresight
48. 个人责任保险 personal liability insurance
49. 公积金贷款 housing provident fund loans
50. 股票净值 the net value of shares
51. 股票面值 the par value of shares
52. 股市指数 the stock market index
53. 挂钩汇率制 pegged exchange rate system
54. 关贸总协定 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
55. 关税壁垒 tariff barriers / wall
56. 国际收支平衡 international balance of payments; payments equilibrium
57. 国家外汇管理局 State Administration of Foreign Exchange
58. 国家助学贷款 national student loans
59. 国家资产作价入股 conversion of state assets into state shares
60. 国库券 treasury bonds