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FOB (free on board) 离岸价

customs duty 关税

C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价

freight 运费

import surcharge 进口附加税

import wholesale price 批发价

discount /CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价

variable duties 进口差价税

including commission 含佣价

allowance 折扣

price 现行价格 / 时价

total value 总值

port dues 港口税

commission 佣金

net price 净价

return commission 回佣,回扣

retail price 零售价

spot price 现货价格

indicative price 参考价格

customs valuation 海关估价

price list 价目贸易

保险术语 :

All Risks 一切险

F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安险

War Risk 战争险W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or

With Particular Average) 水渍险

F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险

Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂,玷污险

Risk of Odor 串味险

Risk of Rust 锈蚀险

Risk of Leakage 渗漏险

Shortage Risk 短缺险

Strikes Risk 罢工险

T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险

贸易方式词汇 :

stocks 存货,库存量

bulk sale 整批销售,趸售

retail trade 零售业 行就市

cash sale 现货

purchase 购买,进货

wholesale 批发

distribution channels 销售渠道

hire-purchase 分期付款购买

dumping 商品倾销

customs bond 海关担保

unfair competition 不合理竞争

freight forwarder 货运代理

dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度

chain debts 三角债

mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解

antidumping 反倾销

trade consultation 贸易磋商

restraint of trade 贸易管制

favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差

tariff barrier 关税壁垒

partial shipment 分批装运

RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排 unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差

bonded warehouse 保税仓库

tax rebate 出口退税


special preferences 优惠关税

transit trade 转口贸易

TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒 trade partner 贸易伙伴

dealer 经销

manufacturer 制造商,制造厂

wholesaler 批发商

retailer, tradesman 零售商

carrier 承运人

middleman 中间商, 经纪人

consumer 消费者,用户

consignee 收货人

merchant 商人,批发商,零售商

concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者

buyer 买主,买方

client, customer 顾客


commerce, trade, trading 贸易

international trade 国际贸易

import, importation 进口

import licence 进口许口证

inquiry 询盘

bad account 坏帐

importer 进口商

export, exportation 出口

exporter 出口商

export licence 出口许口证

order 订货

endorsed 背书

commercial transaction 买卖,交易

shipping order 托运单

delivery 交货

make a complete entry 正式/完整申报

cargo receipt 承运货物收据

customs liquidat











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