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COVID 19 letter:


Hi [First Name],

In the latter half of [2020], the future was looking bleak for [star person/company].

With [cause of the problem/arch] [star] needed to [get results related to your product/service].

A tough task, considering [cause of the problem/arch] — and even tougher in today’s world with [problems industry is facing due to COVID-19]

So how did [star] win?

[Short sentence on the star’s triumph, related to your product/service].


[Your company] specializes in [product/service that helped star win], and I realize you might be facing similar challenges right now.

I’d love to help. I created a personalized template to help you [benefit]. Can I send it to you?

You can still buy [product] from China in 2020 without the effects of Coronavirus

Hey [name],

Greetings from China!

Because of the Coronavirus, the market here in China might be running out of [product], but I’m glad to tell you that [product] is in stock from us.

Please drop us a line if you plan to store enough [product] for 2020.


3. Hi [name],

As you know, the world is focusing on the Outbreak that happened in China, I’d like to let you know a few things:

1.The Outbreak happened in Wuhan City in China, and the most serious cities are only in Hubei Province, other provinces like Zhejian, Guanggong and Suzhou are not seriously affected.

2.The Outbreak can only be infected by human to human through the air with closed contact, NOT by goods to good.

3.China is now doing every possible means to make everything is under control, and I do believe that you will hear more good news soon.

4.The WHO (World Health Organization) announced that it is just a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) but not an “Affected Area”.

5.Please feel relax to do the business with us, and your trust and support will be the best confidence contribution to our battle. Your trust and effort will return you more in the future.

I really appreciate it.

4. (利用coronavirus/COVID-19/新冠肺炎的问候,帮助你在外贸开发信上打破僵局并且与潜在客户建立良好的关系)

Hi [First Name],

I hope you and the [their company name] team are holding up well amidst the Coronavirus outbreak. We, like most others, are working from home and doing the best we can.

I noticed [insert link or mention site]. It’s clear that your business is making an impact on the [insert industry/market].

My name is [your name], I work at [your company], and we [one-pitch sentence]. We’d like to help you [benefit your company offers] by [offer — free trial, demo, discount, etc.]

If you’d like to talk — or need anything at all, just give me a shout.




Hi [name],

We totally understand your situation, and I hope everything goes well.

Regarding this order, all the material and components were already in place. Is it possible to HOLD the order instead of cancellation? And we could continue the business after the epidemic.

Take care,



Dear [name],

I am very sorry that the delivery date of your goods may be delayed.

For now, it’s the key time for China to make the Outbreak under control, and the whole China prolonged around 10 days of the Chinese New Year holiday, which means your goods would be delayed at least [15] days.

Our government is doing every possible means to control the Outbreak, as long as we could work together to help our country to pass this important period, then everything will be back to normal immediately.

At a special time like this, I really hope you can share your best understanding of it, and I really need your support, as well as our company and China. Your trust and effort will return you more in the future.

We really appreciate your support for all.

Best regards,



Hi [Name],

I hate pushy salespeople, at the same time I’d hate to think I gave up on trying to help you when all you needed was one piece of helpful information I’d forgotten.

[more content]

2. (这是一封简短但实用的跟进型外贸开发信模板。在开发信中再次提出了潜在客户的痛点及解决方案,这是很明智和有用的。这个跟进型外贸开发信模板适用于前几次的跟进。)

Hi [First Name],

[Your name]again. Just touching base from few weeks ago.

Would love to have a quick conversation to see if I could help you with your [give a solution to their problem].

Are you available [insert two times] for a quick 10 minute call?


3.( 一个相对比较直言不讳的外贸开发信序列,这是该外贸开发信序列4个模板中的第一个跟进开发信,另外3封也属于跟进型开发信。这封邮件可以在第一封开发信发出后的第3天发送)

+How about that teaming up?

Hey [First Name],

Have you had a chance to think about my idea? Both our companies could benefit from this synergy. We could expand our customer bases and increase profit.

What do you say?

Let’s have a meeting and come up with some strategies. Here’s the link to my calendar, so feel free to make an appointment:

[calendar link]

Hope to hear from you soon,

+Persistence is my middle name

Hi [First Name],

I’m not ready to give up just yet because I believe that we could achieve some great things together.

Our call will take up only 15 minutes of your time, so let’s talk and see if we can work something out.

Here’s the link to my calendar, so find a time slot that suits you:

[calendar link]

Warm regards,


+I respect your time. You should too.

Dear [First Name],

I just want to check how you’re doing and whether you had the time to take a look at our new [feature/features]. I know that must be super busy, and that’s exactly what [your product] can help you with! The whole idea behind the latest feature upgrade is to help business professionals like you work less and achieve more.

Here’s the link with all the details: [link to new features]

All the best,

[Your name]

+Do we need anything else?

{{First Name}},

As you know, we did everything previously agreed upon. This means that we:

1.say what you accomplished

2. say what you accomplished

3.say what you accomplished

Is there anything else that you need us to do before we move on to the next step this week?



4.(在开发信跟进中利用value proposition来鼓励客户尽快回复你,简明扼要地告诉客户你所发的跟进开发信的目的,就是为了在某个方面帮助客户获得更多的好处,借此来鼓励客户尽快回复你。)

Hey [Name],

I’m reaching out because I have several ideas for [how the prospect can benefit from your products/services].

Would it be okay for me to reach out next week to share those ideas with you?


5. (如果你是通过电话开始销售活动,但你的潜在客户却没有接听,建议你发送上面这个跟进型外贸开发信。

据说这个跟进邮件在24小时内成功率超过80%。起原因在于它的简短而切合实际。 如果在邮件中没什么问收件人很复杂的问题,那就意味着潜在客户可以快速且轻松地回复。通过发送电子邮件和提供你的电话号码,他们可以选择最适合他们的回复方法。


Sorry I missed you

Hi [Prospect],

Sorry I missed you on the phone today. I was calling because [explain your purpose].

My voicemail said I will try you again on [date and time] and you can always reach me before at [phone number].



6. (利用祈使句“先强硬后柔和”的跟进型外贸开发信)

Hi [name],

Drop me a note if you caught the email below [name]; I know you’re a busy man!

I’d love to talk a little bit more about [my company], yourself, and any ways in which we can be collaborating. A phone call / Skype would be a pleasure.

Hope you had an excellent weekend,



Hi [name],

As I’ve gotten to know your company better, I’ve come to believe that our company aligns well with both your company’s immediate needs and ultimate goals.

We can offer [product or service] that will allow you to [solve specific problems they’re facing]. We use different tactics than our competitors, including [differentiators from other companies in your space].

We’ve consistently been recognized for our exceptional product quality and service, like [specific accomplishments you can reference]. We were able to help one of our customers [reference a specific, relevant customer story].

Given how well our [product or service] suits your needs, I think we could do some great work together.

[Engaging question to wrap things up]?

2. (一个在后新冠疫情时期(Post COVID-19)基于AIDA经典公式的外贸开发信模板,这是一个基于AIDA(Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)公式的外贸开发信模板,你可以在后新冠疫情时期(Post COVID-19)使用)

Hi [First Name],

If you’re like most [lead’s role], you know how hard it can be to [deal with the problem your company solves], especially when [relevant change in the industry since COVID-19].

Our [product/service] eliminates the stress and improves this by [one-sentence pitch]. Here’s what [customer ] has said about us:

[customer testimonial about the problem]

Would you like to also have [the benefit of your product]? If yes, will you email me the best time to give you a call next week?

Hope your team is staying healthy,


3. (问题/搅动/解决,经典PAS模式 Problem-Agitate-Solve,因为疼痛比快乐更有动力。 人们希望避免麻烦,问题和不必要的负担。)

Hi [name]

When’s the last time you finished everything on your daily to-do list?

If you’re like most busy executives, you’re constantly struggling to stay on top of everything – let alone be the effective leader you need to be.

Our software helps motivated entrepreneurs like [Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss, and Malcolm Gladwell] save as much as ten hours per week that can be directed back at your top priorities.

I’d love to give you a personalized demo. When are you free next week?



1.(在图片中一定要为每个潜在客户提出一些真实的想法,这将帮助他们认真对待你,并考虑回复你。与其说”saw some LinkedIn post”,还不如直接放上你看到的确切的LinkedIn帖子的链接,这样你的开发信会更加个性化,你会让它不那么有销售力。)

Hi [firstName],

Just saw one of [companyName]’s post on my LinkedIn thread and after digging a bit more into what you guys do, I came up with a few ideas

Since I find what you’re doing very innovative, I also did a brainstorming session with my team and we came up with a few things that could really help you boost your growth.

I also took some more notes about how to execute those ideas so if you’re free sometime next week I’d love to have a chat with you!

Have a lovely day!

2. (这就是你如何销售产品的酷炫方式,就是把一个纯粹的价值发送到潜在客户的收件箱,然后你就可以走了)

Love your LinkedIn Post

Hello [firstName],

Was reading one of your recent LinkedIn posts about [topic], and I loved it I saw an opportunity for you to [describe your value proposition].

Check it below



Ideas for generating leads

Hey [first name],

I saw that you recently posted a question on LinkedIn about how to generate new leads for your company.

How, if at all, would you like to improve your strategy? I’ve found that [solution] has been successful for others. I would love to set up some time to chat about this solution if it strikes your interest.


4. (如何利用分享有价值的资源来开启你和潜在客户对话)

Thought you might like this article

Hi [name],

Your latest article on [subject] got me thinking.

I found this article on [article title] that may be beneficial to you and your team. Here’s the link to check it out – [link]

Hope you find it helpful.




Hi {name},

Please allow me to get straight to the point. If you are in the [ABC] industry, I want to pitch you with the following benefits which are something you shouldn’t miss in [2020]:

Competitive price because we produce our own raw material since [1995] in a [40,000] square meters factory.

One-Stop customized product and any requirement can be met for both OEM and ODM.

Trusted by [100+] customers in the US (Company A, Company B and Company C) and Europe (Company D, Company E and Company F) with [1,000 tons yearly output from 20 machine lines].

Please find out more about what you can benefit from us by visiting [your website], and let’s keep


It’s here! The [product name]

Hi [Name]

I hope you’re having a wonderful day!

I am emailing you today to let you know we have opened doors to our [product name].

It helps you [describe the problem and solution].

To learn more about what it does, click here…[Link]

Make sure you buy it before [mention either a time frame or a number of sales].

Here is a testimonial from a recent customer [add a review from a customer].

If you have any questions about the product, please respond to this email or use the live chat on the product page. Our staff is waiting to respond to you.

Thank you,


Hi [name],

I know that your company is good at [the furniture industry] in [the US market] and has been established for five years.

Our new [product name] in the attachment is very suitable for your [XYZ-123 series] products. In addition, we have [our own professional designers to meet any of your requirements].

Let’s schedule a quick 10 minutes phone call so I can share the idea with you. What date/time works best for you next week?


Hey [Contact Name],

I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out because [explain how you got their contact information and how you relate to them: talked to a colleague, saw your company online, etc.].

[Your Company] has a new product that will help (your team at) [Company Name]. [One sentence pitch of benefits].

I know that [our product] will be able to help [Company Name] [insert high level benefit].

Are you available for a quick call [time options]?


Dear [name],

Please allow me to introduce myself. My Name is [XXX] and I manage the sales department here at [XXX] company.

Thank you for taking the time to review our products. Are there any in particular that you are interested in?

Attached is our latest brochure and price list. I would recommend you take a look at [XXX] and [XXX], both are very unique and in high demand.

Any feedback you can give would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you require samples.

Many thanks,



while I’m in the neighborhood

Hey [first name],

I’m here in [city name] this week for [reason for traveling].

I know you must be busy, but I’ve always admired your work in [describe role] and appreciated all you had to say when [mention last time you spoke]. Since then, I’ve made some developments of my own in this arena.

If you’re around and open to meeting up, I’m flexible to whenever works for your schedule.



While I'm in the neighborhood...

Hi [first name],

I’m here in [City Name] this week — I’ve missed being out in [City or State Name]!

I know you must be busy, but I’ve always admired your work in your role and appreciated all you had to say when [mention last time you spoke]. Since then, I’ve made some developments of my own in this arena and I’d love to share them with you over coffee.

If you’re around, I’m flexible to work with your schedule while I’m in town.



Perhaps the timing just isn’t right


I wanted to reach out to you one last time regarding [value proposition].

If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume that the timing isn’t right and I won’t contact you again.

If I can be of assistance, you can always reply to the message and I’ll be more than happy to help you.

Goodbye for now.


Should I close out your file?

Hey [name],

I know you’re busy, but I just wanted to make sure you knew that we’re ready to help you with [pain point previously discussed].

If you’ve already decided to go in another direction, I totally get it. If you let me know, I’ll be sure to close your file and stop bothering you.

If you’re just too busy right now, which let’s face it, we all are from time to time, let me know that too, and I’ll just make a note to follow up in a few months when things settle down.

If you have any questions about the proposal I provided, or if there’s anything else I can do, you got it—let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you,


It's been a while

Hi [prospect name],

We don’t talk anymore, like we used to … But it’s a new year, and I’m ready to try one last time.

When we last spoke, we discussed [pain] and how [product] could help [drive X results]. Are you still interested in continuing that discussion? If not, please let me know so I can stop playing this song.



Re: [Client company name] + [your company]

Hi [FirstName],

Any interest here or is it time for me to hang up the towel?




Hi [name],

Our factory will take a long Chinese New Year holiday from [January 25th to February 12th].

Usually, our production circle is 40 days, so orders confirmed by [15th Dec 2020] can be shipped before the holiday.

Could you please check your inventory and back up full cargo in time?

Thanks for your great support as always!

2. (一封节假日提供折扣或优惠的外贸开发信模板,每年的这个时候,许多潜在客户都比较放松,不那么拘谨,你利用这一点,在适当的时候发送一封轻松的开发信邮件。换句话说,如果他们在年底前成交,那么现在是提供折扣的时候了)

Hey [Prospect name],

We’ve all gotten gifts we wish had never been placed on this earth. But this gift I have for you? It’s not one of ’em.

If you buy anytime between now and December 31, I can offer you [insert discount]. As simple as that!

If you’re interested in learning more, give me a call or schedule some time on my calendar.

Happy Holidays,


Not that gift or this one

Hey [Lead name],

I know your inbox is flooded with gift emails and discounts, and you can’t wait for that tree lighting ceremony. But solving [insert biggest problem that your product or service solves] could actually be your biggest gift this year since it’s going to [insert biggest benefit and quantify it (going to save you $X,XXX from your marketing budget)].

If you’re ready to get that free consultation call scheduled, just book a slot on my calendar.

Happy Holidays,



Hi [first name]

We totally understand the serious situation, freight charge increase & container shortage, at the moment. And it might be difficult for both of us to proceed.

To be candid with you, we keep doing everything we can to fix the bad issues for you. And we suggest you delaying the shipping date to avoid the crazy price during this peak season, even if the mass production was already completed.

Kindly note your goods will be stored carefully in our warehouse, without any storage cost. So you could request the delivery whenever the time is better for you. We’re standing by 24/7.

I hope this email finds you well and hope this updated information takes away your worry or depression.

Good luck, to both of us.


Hello [Prospect name],

I appreciate your question. Before we talk about discounting, I’d love to find out a little more about the pain points and priorities of [prospect company] — to ensure I can make the best recommendation on how we can help.

I think we should set up a 30-minute call this week. Would you like to book a time on my calendar that’s convenient for you? [Insert calendar link here]


3. (当客户要求你打折时的回复邮件模板,建议不要直接对那些要求打折的人说 No,因为很有可能他们真的有一个很合理的理由,这一切都归结于价值交换。例如:买方可能正在处理季节性预算或短期现金赤字,在这些情况下可以考虑打折,但要确保你要求得到一些回报。)

Hello [Prospect name],

I appreciate you asking about discounted pricing. Can I ask why you’re seeking a discount? I’d love to learn a little more about your budget and understand if I can explain the value of our solution further.

I’d be happy to jump on a quick call today or tomorrow, what date/time is best for you?



Hello [Prospect name],

Your current product requires repairs and maintenance work approximately 10 times per year, which accounts for $3,300 in service and labor fees. You also paid $670 for new parts.

Our data shows these machines tend to break down twice as often after their third year in use, so next year you should expect to spend at least $7,000 for the same costs.

In addition, your productivity is seriously impacted each time it’s not in use — costing you roughly $2,000 this year and an estimated $4,000 next year. Our product will save you upwards of $11,000 in just one year.

Does that justify the price I quoted you?




Dear [Recipient],

First of all, allow me to thank you for being such a loyal and consistent customer to [name of company] over the years. Your satisfaction is very important to us, and we hope we have been successful in providing you with excellent customer service and products.

I never like having to write this letter, but it’s unfortunately sometimes necessary. Due to [reasons for the price increase], we are going to be raising our prices on [type of product(s)]. The increase will be from [amount] to [amount], and will take effect beginning [date].

This price increase is minimal, and something we must do in order to continue to provide you with the quality you’ve come to expect. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me immediately.

Thank you,


Price Changes – [July 2020]

Dear [name]

I’m writing to let you know that our prices will be increasing by [3%] with effect from [1st April, 2020]. For you, this will mean an increase from [$800pcm to $824pcm] starting with your April invoice.

As you know, we value your business and have enjoyed working with you and achieved some great results along the way. Like any business though, our own operating costs do increase over time.

To maintain the level of service you’re accustomed to, this modest increase is necessary, so we wanted to communicate this to you in good time. We’re confident that our prices remain competitive within our sector for the quality of the products/services that we provide and as always, we’re focused on the results we provide to clients.

Thanks again for your business, and please contact me if you have any questions about your new prices.

Yours Sincerely











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