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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸百科 > 21世纪商务英语系列教材:商务英语信函写图书目录


Chapter 1 Trade Correspondence(一)(贸易信函)
Section 1 The Format and Structure of Trade Correspondence(贸易信函的格式与结构)
Section 2 Sample Letters(贸易信函样例)
Section 3 The Characteristics of Trade Correspondence(贸易信函的特点)
Section 4 Useful Expressions(常用的表达方式)
Chapter 2 Trade Correspondence(二)(贸易信函)
Section 1 Sample Letters(贸易信函样例)
Section 2 Useful Expressions (常用的表达方式)
Chapter 3 Business Memo(商务便函)
Section 1 The Structure of Business Memo(商务便函的结构)
Section 2 Sample Memos(商务便函样例)
Section 3 The Characteristics of Business Memo(商务便函的特点)
Section 4 Useful Expressions(常用的表达方式)
Chapter 4 Notice(通知函)
Section 1 The Structure of Notice and Notification(通知的结构)
Section 2 Sample Notices(通知样例)
Section 3 The Characteristics of Notice(通知函的特点)
Section 4 Useful Expressions(常用的表达方式)
Chapter 5 Letter of Invitation,Thanks and Congratulations(邀请函、感谢信与祝贺信)
Section 1 The Characteristics and Requirements of Business Letter(商务信函的特点和要求)
Section 2 Letter of Invitation(邀请信)
Section 3 Letter of Thanks(感谢信)
Section 4 Letter of Congratulations(祝贺信)
Section 5 Useful Expressions(常用的表达方式)
Chapter 6 Resume(简历)
Section 1 The Sections of a Resume(简历的组成部分)
Section 2 The Formats of a Resume(简历的格式)
Section 3 Sample Resumes(简历范文)
Section 4 The Characteristics of Resume(简历的特点)
Section 5 Tips for Writing a Good Resume(写简历的注意事项)
Section 6 More Examples (分项示例)
Section 7 Useful Expressions (常用的表达方式)
Chapter 7 Letter of Application(申请函)
Section 1 The Structure of Letters of Application(申请函的结构)
Section 2 Sample Application Letters(申请函羊例)
Section 3 The Characteristics of Application Letters(申请函的特点)
Section 4 Useful Expressions(常用的表达方式)
Chapter 8 Letter of Recommendation(推荐信)
Section 1 The Structure of Recommendation Letter(推荐信的结构)
Section 2 Sample Reports(推荐信的样例)
Section 3 The Characteristics of Recommendation Letter (推荐信的特点)
Section 4 Useful Expressions (常用的表达方法)
Chapter 9 Business Report(商务报告)
Section 1 The Structure of Business Report(商务报告的结构)
Section 2 Sample Reports(商务报告样例)
Section 3 The Characteristics of Business Report(商务报告的特点)
Section 4 Useful Expressions (常用的表达方式)
Chapter 10 Business Contracts(商务合同)
Section 1 The Basics of Business Contracts(商等合同基础)
Section 2 The Ingredients of Business Contracts(商务合同的构成)
Section 3 Sample Business Contract(商务合同洋例)
Section 4 The Features and Requirements of Bt siness Contracts (商务合同中的语言特征及要求)
Section 5 Useful Expressions(常用的表达方式)
附录一 参考译文
附录二 参考答案










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