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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸百科 > 外贸英语口语2000年对外经济贸易大学出版社出版的图书










录音人员:男:GEFF LE BLANC(美国),女:ANITA K WONG(美国)。

Lesson 1 Arrival of a Foreign Businessman

1-1 At the Customs

1-2 At the Airport

1-3 On the Way to the Hotel

Lesson 2 At the Hotel

2-1 Checking in at the Hotel

2-2 In the Room

2-3 Looking around the Hotel

Lesson 3 Dining at a Restaurant

3-1 Inviting the Guest

3-2 Before Dining at the Restaurant

3-3 At the Table

Lesson 4 Sightseeing

4-1 Arranging a Visit for the Guest

4-2 Visiting the Museum Park

Lesson S Shopping

5-1 At the Banking Counter

5-2 Accompanying a Foreign Guest forShopping

5-3 On the Ancient Cultural Street

Lesson 6 Accompanying a Foreign Guest forRecreational Activities

6-1 At a Theatre

6-2 At a Dance Ball

Lesson 7 Telephoning

7-1 Booking a Flight

7-2 Placing an Oversea Call

7-3 Leaving a Message

Lesson 8 Seeing a Doctor

8-1 In Mr. Anderson's Room

8-2 At the Hospital

Lesson 9 A Visit to an InternationalBusiness College

9-1 A Brief Introduction to the College

9-2 Around the Campus

9-3 Talking with Some Students

Lesson 10 On the Departure of a ForeignGuest

10-1 At a Farewell Dinner

10-2 At the Airport

10-3 At the Check-in Desk

Lesson 11 A Preliminary Talk with a NewCustomer

11-1 Meeting at the Guangzhou Fair

11-2 On Foreign Trade Policy

Lesson 12 Products Presentation

12-1 A Visit to a Sample Room

12-2 Seeing an Exhibition

Lesson 13 Enquiry and Offer

13-1 Business Enquiry

13-2 Enquiry and Offer

Lesson 14 Price

14-1 Price Haggling

14-2 Market and Price

Lesson 15 Payment Terms

15-1 Payment by L/C

15-2 Payment by D/P at Sight

Lesson 16 Letter of Credit

16-1 Urging the Establishment ofan L/C

16-2 Amendment to an LlC

Lesson 17 Packing and Labelling

17-1 Export Packing

17-2 On Labelling

Lesson 18 Delivery and Shipment

18-1 The Date of Delivery

18-2 On Shipment

Lesson 19 Insurance

19-1 Clarification of Certain InsuranceCoverage

19-2 A Talk on Insurance

Lesson 20 Contract

20-1 Signing a Contract

20-2 Negotiating a I.ong-TermAgreement

Lesson 21 Claims and Settlement

21-1 A Claim Case on QualityDeterioration

21-2 Settling a Claim

Lesson 22 Absorption of Foreign Capital

22-1 China's Policy on Absorption ofForeign Capital

22-2 On Joint Venture

Lesson 23 Technology Transfer

23-1 A Preliminary Talk

23-2 A Further Discussion

Lesson 24 On Agency Agreement andDistributorship

24-1 On Agency Agreement

24-2 On Distributorship

Lesson 25 Modes of Foreign Trade

25-1 Compensation Trade

25-2 Processing and Assembling Trade










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