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 信用证上的进口人||买方:Accredited buyer||Accredited holder||Accredited importer

 开证行:Opening bank||Issuing bank





 通知银行||联系银行:Notifying bank||Advising bank||Transmitting bank

 购买银行||议付行:Negotiating bank||Purchaser||Negotiating party

 善意持票人:Bona fide holder


 接受银行||承兑银行:Accepting bank

 保兑银行:Confirming bank

 无担保信用证||不跟单信用证:clean letter of credit

 押汇信用证||跟单信用证:documentary letter of credit

 确认信用证||保兑信用证:confirmed letter of credit

 不确认信用证||不保兑信用证:unconfirmed letter of credit

 不可撤消信用证:irrevocable letter of credit

 可撤消信用证:revocable letter of credit

 保兑不可撤消信用证:irrevocable and confirmed credit

 不保兑、不可撤消信用证:irrevocable and unconfirmed credit

 不保兑、可撤消信用证:revocable and unconfirmed credit

 循环信用证:circular letter of credit||revolving credit

 特定信用证:restricted letter of credit

 旅行信用证:traveller's letter of credit

 商业信用证:commercial letter of credit

 无条件信用证:"general credit

 委托购买信用证:L/A letter of credit

 特定授权信用证:S/A letter of credit

 有条件转让信用证:ESCROW letter of credit

 背对背信用证:back-to-back letter of credit

 交互计算信用证:swing clause letter of credit

 开出计算信用证:open account letter of credit

 可转让信用证:assignable L/C

 有权追索信用证:with recourse L/C

 无权追索信用证:without recourse L/C

 银行信用证:banker's credit||bank credit

 前借信用证:packing credit

 原始信用证:original credit

 开立信用证:"to open a credit

 在银行裁决信用证:to arrange a credit with a bank

 以电报开出信用证:to cable a credit

 开出信用证:to issue a credit

 修改信用证:to amend a credit

 将信用证有效期延长:to extend a credit

 增加信用证金额:to increase a credit

 请求开立信用证:to take out a credit

 收回信用证||撤回信用证:to revoke a credit

 我们很高兴得知贵公司早于5月5日向旧金山美国银行开出信用证。我们相信日内可望收到银行通知。 We are glad to learn that you forwarded the letter of credit on May 5 to the Bandk of America in San Franceisco. We assume we shall receive an advice within a few days.

 我们很高兴得知贵公司对此批订货, 已通过国家银行开出以史密斯公司为受益人,面额为 100000美元, 12月31日前有效的信用证。 We are glad to learn that you opened a credit with the National Bank, in favor of Messers. Smith & Co., for the amount of $100,000 covering the said order available till December31.

 对6月6日第450号信用证, 我公司已开出面额为90,000元的汇票, 该汇票以东京银行为受益人, 付款日期为见票后60天。 We have drawn on you at 60 days' sight a draft for $90,000, under the credit No. 450 of June 6, in favor of the Tokyo Bank.

 因信用证的有效期为5月31日, 希望将其有效期延长至6月10日, 并请将此情况通知你方的银行。 The expiry date of the credit being May 31, we request that you will arrange with your banker to extend it up to June 10, amendign the said credit.

 修改信用证:amendent to an L/C

 更改一部分:partial amendment||whole amendment

 更改全部:whole amendment

 更改信用证||修改信用证:to amend an L/C

 做如下更改||做如下修改:to amend as follows

 更改:to make an amendment

 建议更改::to propose an amendment

 执行更改::to introduce an amendment

 提出更改信用证的建议:to suggest an amendment to an L/C

 商业信用证更改已通知:Amendment of the commercial credit was advised.

 请通知受益人, 我们对第1200号信用证中, 5箱更改为10箱, 其余部分不变。 Please advise the beneficiaries that we shall amend the Credit No.1200 to read ten boxes of the articles instead o f5 boxes, otherwise unchanged.

 烦请通知买方, 我们将信用证内C&F纽约更改为买方负担运费。 Kindly notify the buyers that we shall make an amendment in the L/C freight collect instead of C&F New York.

 本函仅为信用证修改通知书,并非证实书。 This is solely an advice of amendment of the L/C and not constitute a Confirmation of the message.










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