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 Sample 2 Solve product problems on shipment

 Hi Water,

 After your new delay in the shipment, customer is so upset and asking for an strong compensation in the price due the new delay which caused them big problems in terms of stock and marketing campaign. If we don’t compensate them, this will be the last order.

 I am in a very difficult position in front of my customer, so please support me.

 So please inform ASAP the compensation for this current order.



 Dear Fernando,

 Thanks for your kind information. I have marked down your comments though it is a little tough for me. Still I would do my best to struggle better service for you.

 Regarding this order, we have pressed our factory a lot. But there were still some unexpected factors existed and happened suddenly. So it caused some delay. We also hope we could make delivery as early as possible. As it would not tie up the capital and we could invest again soon. Unfortunately, we also must face many factories, as the materials cannot supply in time. We have no other choice as well. From the very beginning, we have allowed the best price for this order. Sorry to inform you that now any additional payment would be big burden for us. As there are many many workers serving in our factory now.

 The production will be completed on Sep. 25th, we will catch the latest vessel then.

 Wish we could do better for you in the near future and fulfill your satisfaction.

 Best regards,



 1. 延期交货,对于销售人员来说,是极其痛苦的事情。因为对外要面临客户的轰炸,对内还要周旋于工厂的各个部门,特别是向生产部门催货。要解决客户的难题,不是很容易的事情,公司内部总有许多不尽如人意的地方,有时候一些做法也是处于战略性政策的考虑。压力在这个时候有充分的体现,客户一通电话过来催货,狂轰滥炸是绝对少不了的。锻炼承受压力的能力,除了自己本身的抗压能力之外,还要去了解行业内其他竞争对手的情况,了解生产,运输,销售等各个步骤,对这些相关的程序都要有比较熟悉的把握,这样才能更好地和客户谈判。

 2. 面对客户给予的压力,最主要的是要做到真诚地解释。告知客户确切的出货时间。有一句话是这样的:我们可以很无耻,但是我们一定要做到很真诚。










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