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 Hi Water,

 After many discussions with my financial dept, I can accept just if you give me a discount of USD 0.5 for each piece.

 Unfortunately, you know the USD dollars is going more and more up and we risk to lose our orders if we aren’t able to consign the goods in time to our customers!

 I arranged all things for you so quickly to avoid late for Christmas period, I mean manual, giftbox and so on!

 You know the Christmas period starts at the early December and our customers have to get the goods in the stores within the 1st week of December, furthermore you can image in that period how many container arrive in the port and the Italy customs in that period do so many checks and it will just be very difficult for us to reach the goods in time! It’s for this I ask you to respect the shipment time since I cannot risk to lose my orders.

 I hope you understand!

 My B. Rgds,

 Ms. Paola Esposito

 Dear Paola,

 Thank you for your kind reply.

 Regarding this order, we really allowed you the best offer, L/C 60days, no interests. But you promised me to give some. And 0.5% free spare parts also. For USD currency, as you know we also have to purchase the materials, the price is even though for us, we pay RMB, but received USD before. And now our payment term is L/C 60 days. It means we have to wait for more time to get the payment. Another $0.5 per piece cost down, it is really impossible for s to do. You know we also have to pay the amendment charges. It is high, if we can choose; we definitely don’t want to pay such charges. Please support us a little.

 I understand your efforts to approve all files for us to guarantee the prompt shipment. And we understand that the goods is for Christmas sales. Also the reason is for us also. We won’t mean to delay the shipment not to catch the sales time. Therefore we hope you could understand the busy season at this period. Please kindly amend the L/C terms for us to arrange shipment.

 Thank you.

 Best regards,


 Hi water,

 After so many discussion with my boss and my financial dept we cannot risk to lose the orders and to receive the goods in delay! As I just told you I have to give your goods to my customers at the early December for a promotional operation! I have just called them to inform them about the possibility about some delay and they just asked me to delete the orders from now since they are afraid to not receive more the goods in time! water, believe me, it’s a very trouble if you don’t arrange the goods in time, I cannot proceed to amend the L/C and I have to give up this order! I’m sorry but the situation is in this way!

 I wait for your further confirmation to inform my forwarder UPS to not wait further for you and to proceed to the order single shipments.

 I hope you understand my position.

 My B. Rgds

 Ms. Paola Esposito

 Dear Paola,

 Thank you for your kind reply. We hope to solve the problem today.

 For this order, we well understand they are for promotional sales in Christmas. We also have other orders too.

 For the delivery, we really hope to comply with what we agreed. But we have to make sure good quality for you. Surely time is also important. But we don’t mean to delay a long time I hope you can understand our efforts on this project.

 Hope you could help. Thank you.

 Best regards,


 Hi Water,

 The delivery time is the date you see on the L/C. I’m very sorry but yesterday I discussed all day about this situation. And my boss and financial dept didn’t accept the amendment! So, try your best to respect the terms!


 Ms. Paola Esposito

 Dear Paola,

 Thank you for your kind reply.

 We really wish to do as per the L/C terms. Hope we can understand each other a little. We have to find a suitable way to solve the problems.

 To respect the L/C terms and to do better for you, I discussed with my boss again and again, finally we will allow penalty 0.004% of the total amount for each delayed day as what you suggested. This is the best we could do.

 Hope you can help to solve the problem of shipment soon.

 Best regards,


 Hi water,

 After a lot discussion I accept the penalty and I hope you arrange the delivery before at least November 10th. Please, advise UPS in time so they can book the 1st vessel in time for you! On Monday I will arrange the amendment for you!

 I hope I don’t receive your goods very late, it shouldn’t be very good to start business!


 Ms. Paola Esposito

 Dear Paola,

 Thank you for your kind help on the latest shipment date and L/C amendment.

 Sure we must make the shipment as soon as possible. We don’t hope to miss the chance for promotion, too.

 Best regards,



 1. 面对客户的拒绝,耐心解释是关键。一般情况下,客户都会为你的耐心所打动。因为这个行业的情况几乎都是如此。即使客户发怒,也只能无奈接受。因为客户已经拿了订单,他不可能失信于他的客户,而且通常情况下,客户自己也有一个宽限期,如果不是太迟,客户都是会同意的。

 2. 值得注意的是,要留住一个客户,按期交货是必须的。对于客户和对自己公司都是信誉的保证。价格优惠,质量过硬,服务一流,就会客流如云!如果确实由于某些不可抗力的原因引起延期,必须多与客户沟通,争取以最低的损失解决问题。

 3. 文中,多次与客户周旋,因为是远期信用证付款,信用证一旦过期,客户完全有理由拒绝收货不付款。如果在不改证的情况下出货,对于我们来说风险不可想象。所以在出货之前必须要客户改证。

 4. 如果不接受客户的要求,客户不同意改证并取消订单,这批货将成为库存,需要另找销路,这也是一个头疼的问题。所以在面对客户的难题时,坚持以最真诚的态度去谈,希望得到客户的谅解和支持。如果经过一番较量,客户的态度已然强硬并最后通牒取消订单,或采取不回复邮件的举动。在这种情况下,为寻求进展必须采取折中的办法,综合考虑问题的轻重,勿因小失大。










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