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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸百科 > 英语商务书信实战写作案例110目录


Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations建立商务往来

n1.Investigating the New Customeru2019s Credit Standing from the Bank向银行查询新客户的资信情况

n2.Inquiring the New Customeru2019s Credit Standing from the Customers向客户查询新客户的资信情况

n3.Favorable Letter of Credit Standing资信调查有利回函

n4.Unfavorable Letter of Credit Standing资信调查不利回函

n5.Promoting Your Company and Seeking Potential Business Opportunities毛遂自荐,寻求商机

n6.Exporteru2019s Proposal to Start Business出口商建议建立业务往来

n7.Importeru2019s Proposal to Establish Business Relations进口商建议开展业务往来

n8.Being Willing to Establish Business Relations乐意建立商贸关系

n9.Declining Other Companiesu2019Cooperative Intention婉言拒绝其他公司的合作意向

n10.Applying for Being the Exclusive Agent申请任命为独家代理商

n11.Developing an Agent发展一个代理商

n12.Declining an Application for Agency婉拒代理请求

n13.Attracting Investment招商投资

n14.Resuming Business Relations恢复商贸关系

n15.Promoting Products to Potential Customers向潜在客户推销产品

n16.Requiring Trial Sales要求试销


nUnit 2 Enquiry询盘

n1.Requesting Quotation,Catalogue and Samples from the Seller向卖方索要报价单、目录和样品

n2.Requiring Quotation,Catalogue and Samples from the Agent向代理商索要报价单、目录和样品

n3.Sending Catalogue and Samples寄送目录和样品

n4.Replying the Inquiry with Quantity Discount回复询盘,量大优惠

n5.Replying the Inquiry and In for ming the Buyer of the Product Being out of Stock回复询盘告知无货


nUnit 3 Offer and Counter-offer报价和还盘

n1.Selleru2019s Offer卖方发盘

n2.Selleru2019s Offer for Best Seller卖方给畅销品报价

n3.Selleru2019s Offer to Sell off the Stock出清存货特别报价

n4.A Non-firm Offer虚盘

n5.Requesting Discount请求折扣

n6.Conditionally Accepting the Counter Offer有条件地接受还盘

n7.Declining the Counter-Offer拒绝还盘

n8.A Firm Offer实盘

n9.Accepting the Offer接受报价


nUnit 4 Ordering订购

n1.Pressing for the Order催促下订单

n2.Trial Order试订单

n3.Revising the Order修改订单

n4.Request for the Confirmation of the Order要求确认订单

n5.Accepting the Order接受订单

n6.Declining the Order拒绝订单

n7.Placing a Repeat Order续订订单

n8.Cancelling the Order取消订单


nUnit 5 Packing包装

n1.Discussing the Way of Packing讨论包装方式

n2.Requirements on Packing包装要求

n3.Requirement on Shipment Mark唛头要求

n4.Avoiding Damage Caused by Improper Packing避免包装不当造成的损失

n5.Product Packaging商品包装

n6.Shipment Packing运输包装

n7.Inspecting Packing检验包装


nUnit 6 Delivery运输

n1.Application Letter of Shipment装运申请书

n2.Means of Shipment运输方式

n3.Use of Logistics Cluster Transport Services运用物流服务运输

n4.Shipment Schedule Acknowledgement of Purchase Order确认订单的发货日期

n5.Notification of Ready Shipment and Delivery通知装运发货

n6.Exporteru2019s Advice of the Delay of Shipment出口商通知装运延期


nUnit 7 Business Contracts and Agreements商业合同和协议

nUnit 8 Insurance保险

nUnit 9 Payment 付款

nUnit 10 Claim and Settlement索赔及解决方案

nUnit 11 Business Meetings and Trade Fair商务会议和商展

nUnit 12 Office Work办公文书

nUnit 13 Business Etiquette Documents商务礼仪文书

nUnit 14 Business Social Correspondence商务社交函

nUnit 15 Recruitment and Job Application招聘及录用

nAppendix 附录










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