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外贸人员 (To C) 常用邮件模板 – 售前篇



01、邮件主题:Promotion announcement

Dear John Smith,

As you know, [special day] is coming up.

We at [company name] decided to take things one step further! More specifically, [Promotion offer proposition].

And remember. This promotion offer won’t last forever. You can make your purchase from [date] to [date] and use [discount code] at checkout for an additional [offer/discount].

Wish you the best day.

Best regards,
Lily Lee

02、邮件主题:Discount Offer

Dear John Smith,

Thank you so much for being a customer of [Company name].

It’s because of people like you we have been able to be in business for such a long time. To thank you, we have created a discount coupon especially for you.

Use the code [unique code number] to get a discount of [add a discount percentage or amount] from any product in our store [insert link to your online shop].

But hurry! The offer is only available for the first [add number of people or time limit] people who make the purchase.

Thank you,

Best regards,
Lily Lee

03、邮件主题:To answer your questions

Dear John Smith,

It’s very nice to hear from you! Thank you very much for thinking of us. I appreciate the questions.

There are a couple of possible answers to your questions. I want to be sure I’m giving you accurate information. Would you mind if we spent just 10 minutes over the phone?

Best regards,
Lily Lee

04、邮件主题:Free Trial

Dear John Smith,

I noticed that you seemed interested in some of the products on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I’d be happy to guide you through the different options.

I want to extend to you an offer for a free trial as it can be tough to commit to a product from a mere description. Our free trial lasts 30 days and lets you try all the features. It’s a great chance to see which product is right for you and how much it can benefit you and your clients.

If you’re interested, email me back or give me a call. I can talk you through all the details and get you set up.


Best regards,
Lily Lee

05、邮件主题:Are you there?

Dear John Smith,

I’m removing inactive subscribers. And I notice that you haven’t opened an email from me in the past [add number] months. I understand if you don’t want any emails from me. No hard feelings :).

But if you want to continue receiving my emails, just click the below link to confirm, and I won’t delete you.

[Link]I still want emails from you ⇒[Link]

There’s no need to opt in again. You just need to click.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Lily Lee

06、邮件主题:I want to send you better content

Dear John Smith,

I hope you find the tips I share useful.

I want to continue sending more free content to you. But I want to be certain that I am only sharing content you want. Could you please let me know what topics you prefer by clicking on one link below?

  • [Add text and link to topic number 1]
  • [Add text and link to topic number 2]
  • [Add text and link to topic number 3]
If you don’t find a topic you prefer, just reply to this email and let me know what topics you would like to read more content on.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Lily Lee

07、邮件主题:Latest blog post

Dear John Smith,

I wanted to let you know that we have just published a new post on our blog that I am sure you’ll find useful.

In this post, you’ll learn [describe in 2 to 3 lines].

[Link]Click here to check it out ⇒[Link]

Please share it with your followers if you feel they will find it useful. Here’s a handy Tweet link [insert Twitter share link], you can click to share it now.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Lily Lee

08、邮件主题:Welcome new distributor

Dear John Smith,

I’m so excited to have you join us. We’re feeling pretty lucky that you chose us, and I just wanna say thank you on behalf of our whole company.

To get you settled, I wanted to share with you some of our best resources so you can make the most out of your experience with us. Subscribe to our blog [add link] for some great tips and knowledge to be successful in your industry. Check out our Instagram [add link], Facebook [add link], and Twitter [add link] for your daily dose of industry news, advice, and behind-the-scenes looks.

If you’re interested in learning more about the product, feel free to contact me or anyone else on our support team at any time. We’re always here to help you in any way we can.


Best regards,
Lily Lee

09、邮件主题:Asking for a discount

Dear John Smith,

Thanks for your email requesting for a discount.

I’m afraid we are unable to offer you that low price you bargained as the price we offer has been carefully calculated and our profit margin is already very limited.

However, we will give you a [2%] discount if your order is above [200] pieces in one order.

If you have any further questions, please let me know. Thanks!

Best regards,
Lily Lee

10、邮件主题:Checkout Reminder

Dear John Smith,

Good news! The [product] is still in your cart, patiently waiting to become yours!

Make sure you order before [date] to enjoy a [% discount]

Click on the button below to visit the checkout page.
[CTA to cart]

Best regards,
Lily Lee

11、邮件主题:Unpaid Order - 1

Dear John Smith,

We have received your order of [Quantity & Product name], but it seems that the order is still pending for payment. If there’s anything that I can help with, please feel free to contact me. Once the payment is completed, we will process the order and ship it out immediately.


Best regards,
Lily Lee

12、邮件主题:Unpaid Order - 2

Dear John Smith,

Thanks for shopping with us. However, we noticed you haven’t made the payment yet. This is a friendly reminder for you to complete the payment transaction as soon as possible.

If you have any problems making the payment, or if you don’t want to go through with the order, please let us know. We can help you to resolve the payment problems or cancel the order.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
Lily Lee

13、邮件主题:Keep in Touch

Dear John Smith,

I’m sorry to see you go. Doing business with you these last four years has been great. I’ve learned so much from you and have made several updates to our products based on your thorough, thoughtful feedback. I appreciate everything you’ve done to make our company the best it can be.

As you set onto a new path, don’t forget about us! I’d love to hear about your successes in the future and the exciting growth your company inevitably will have.

Please keep in touch. Good luck with everything!


Best regards,
Lily Lee

14、邮件主题:Thank you

Dear John Smith,

I just wanted to thank you once again for [Action]. This helped me a lot with [Problem].

I will keep you posted and, of course, let me if there is anything you need help with.

Best regards,
Lily Lee

15、邮件主题:Thank you for referring

Dear John Smith,

Thank you so much for referring your friend [Friend’s name] to us. I’ve enjoyed getting to know them and do business with them. I’m so happy that you’ve stuck around with us for this long and brought your friend to share the experience with you.

We’re lucky to have you. Thanks again for being such a fantastic customer!


Best regards,
Lily Lee

16、邮件主题:Order Confirmation

Dear John Smith,

Thanks for shopping with us. We’ve received your order and we are already getting started on it.

Once everything is ready to ship and confirmed, we will let you know. You will receive tracking information and other details within the next email.

To show our appreciation you will receive Free Shipping on your next order. All you have to do is enter promotion code [CODE] at your next checkout!

Best regards,
Lily Lee

17、邮件主题:Shipping confirmation

Dear John Smith,

Your ordered [product name] is on its way! You can expect it to arrive at your shipping address within [Time frame].

The tracking number is [tracking number], you can track your order’s status here [Insert tracking info].

Thank you for shopping with us!

Best regards,
Lily Lee











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