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第1章 商务英语基础

Chapter One Fundamentals of Business English

1.1 基本原则

Section 1.1 Basic Principles

1.2 词汇选择

Section 1.2 Appropriate Words

1.3 句式结构

Section 1.3 Effective Sentences

1.4 篇章布局

Section 1.4 Productive Approaches

1.5 其他

Section 1.5 Miscellaneous Fundamentals

第2章 商务英语书信

Chapter Two Business Letters

2.1 商务书信的功能

Section 2.1 Functions of the Business Letter

2.2 商务书信的构成要素和样式

Section 2.2 Components and Styles of Business Letters

2.3 促销信

Section 2.3 Sales Promotion Letters

2.4 询盘信

Section 2.4 Inquiry Letters

2.5 报盘信

Section 2.5 Offer Letters

2.6 订货信

Section 2.6 Order Letters

2.7 订货确认信

Section 2.7 Order Acknowledgement Letters

2.8 收款信

Section 2.8 Collection Letters

2.9 索赔信

Section 2.9 Claim Letters

2.10 理赔信

Section 2.10 Adjustment Letters

第3章 商务英语电子邮件

Chapter Three Business Emails

3.1 商务电子邮件的功能

Section 3.1 Functions of Business Emails

3.2 商务电子邮件的构成要素和样式

Section 3.2 Components and Styles of Business Emails

3.3 商务电子邮件与商务便函

Section 3.3 Basiness Emails vs. Business Memos

3.4 通知性电子邮件

Section 3.4 Notification Emails

3.5 建议性电子邮件

Section 3.5 Recommendation Emails

3.6 政策发布性电子邮件

Section 3.6 Policy Emails

3.7 询问与解释性电子邮件

Section 3.7 Inquiry and Response Emails

3.8 表扬与批评性电子邮件

Section 3.8 Appreciation and Criticism Emails

第4章 商务英语报告

Chapter Four Business English Reports

4.1 商务报告的功能

Section 4.1 Functions of Business Reports

4.2 商务报告的构成要素与样式

Section 4.2 Components and Styles of Business Reports

4.3 日常报告

Section 4.3 Routine Reports

4.4 调查报告

Section 4.4 Investigation Reports

4.5 可行性报告

Section 4.5 Feasibility Reports

第5章 商务英语合同

Chapter Five Business English Contracts

5.1 商务合同的功能

Section 5.1 Functions of Business Contracts

5.2 商务合同的语言特点

Section 5.2 Language Features of Business Contracts

5.3 商务合同的构成要素与样式

Section 5.3 Components and Styles of Business Contracts

5.4 货物买卖合同

Section 5.4 Sales and Purchase Contracts

5.5 加工装配合同

Section 5.5 Processing and Assembling Trade Contracts

5.6 代理合同

Section 5.6 Representative Contracts











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