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12 The goods must be in all aspects fully equal to our samples and inferior goods will be rejec-ted.
13 While thanking you for your offer of yesterday, we regret being unable to accept it as the timeof delivery is too distant.
14 Though the quality of your products is slightly better than theirs, the price-gap should not beso great.
15 As business has been done extensively in your market at this price,we regret that we can notaccept your counter-offer. It is our hope that you would reconsider the matter and let us knowby return.
16 For good order's sake,the sellers send the Sales Confirmation or Sales Contract to the buyers,giving full particulars of goods sold, terms of payment, etc.
17 We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on terms and conditions as speci-fied below :
18 We are pleased to have transacted this first business with your corporation and look forwardto the further expansion of trade to our mutual benefit.
19 The gloves are to be packed in dozen or in single pairs,preferably the latter.
20 In reply, we would like to inform you that the supply of this commodity in our market has sofar been monopolized(垄断) by a Japanese make.
21 It was a very unpleasant surprise to learn that the terms and conditions we finally agreed uponhad been turned down by your company.










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