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Layout of Business E-mails 商务电子邮件格式1

Part One Introduction介绍5

Lesson 1 An Inquiry 询盘5

Lesson 2 Factory Introduction 工厂介绍11

Lesson 3 An Offer 报盘14

Lesson 4 Inviting the Customer to Visit China 邀请客户来中国19

Part Two Samples样品25

Lesson 5 Sending Samples 寄送样品25

Lesson 6 Confirmation for Receipt of Samples 确认收到样品29

Lesson 7 Making Duplicate Samples with Substitute Material 用替代材料制作复样33

Lesson 8 Asking the Buyer to Pay for Molds 要求买方支付模具费用38

Lesson 9 Packing of the Duplicate Samples 复样的包装41

Lesson 10 Sending a PO 寄送购货订单44

Part Three Negotiating Business Terms商谈业务条款49

Lesson 11 A Counter-offer for LCD Monitors 对液晶显示器的还价49

Lesson 12 Confirming a Purchase Order 确认接受购货订单53

Lesson 13 Asking for Proforma Invoice 要求形式发票57

Lesson 14 Suggesting Payment by T/T 建议采用电汇支付62

Lesson 15 Suggesting Payment by D/P at Sight 建议采用即期付款交单支付67

Lesson 16 Sending Sales Contract 寄送销售合同70

Lesson 17 Asking the Supplier to Confirm L/C Application


Lesson 18 Asking for Amendment to L/C Application 要求修改信用证申请书82

Part Four Executing Orders 执行订单89

Lesson 19 Updates on Rome Curtains 罗马窗帘最新进展情况89

Lesson 20 Apology for Postponement of Delivery 因推迟交货表示道歉94

Lesson 21 Changing P.O. Quantities 改变订单数量99

Lesson 22 Packing Requirements 包装要求102

Lesson 23 Reply from the Exporter on Packing 出口方关于包装的答复108

Lesson 24 Shipping Instructions装船须知110

Lesson 25 Sending Pictures for Shipment 寄送装运过程照片115

Lesson 26 Shipment on Pallets 用托盘运输119

Lesson 27 Shipping Advice 1 装船通知(一)121

Lesson 28 Shipping Advice 2 装船通知(二)125

Lesson 29 Making Documents Under L/C Terms信用证付款方式下的制单131

Lesson 30 Making Documents Under T/T Payment Terms 电汇付款方式下的制单147

Lesson 31 Confirmation No. for Wire Transfer 电汇确认号164

Part Five Quality Problem 质量问题169

Lesson 32 Poor Quality of Part of Shipment 部分货物质量低劣169

Lesson 33 Asking for Replacement 要求换货172

Lesson 34 Rejecting the Whole Container 拒绝整箱货176

Case Study 案例学习183

Stage 1 An Inquiry from a New Customer 新客户的询盘183

Stage 2 Negotiation on Price and Delivery 磋商价格与交货期185

Stage 3 Negotiation on Payment 磋商支付方式187

Stage 4 The First Order 第一笔订单188

Stage 5 Delivery 交货191

Oral Communication 口语交流199

Conversation 1 Schedule of a Visit 来访计划199

Conversation 2 Meeting the Customer at the Airport 机场接机201

Conversation 3 At a Hotel 宾馆入住203

Conversation 4 Visiting the Factory 参观工厂205

Conversation 5 At a Restaurant 在饭店207

Conversation 6 In the Sample Room 在样品室209

Conversation 7 Sample Modification 样品改动211

Conversation 8 Conclusion of Business 成交213

Conversation 9 The Farewell 送行215

Useful Abbreviation 常用缩略语217












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