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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸知识 > 外贸知识:外贸术语(二)


 用袋装 to be bagged

 用纸箱包装 to be boxed

 用席包 to be matted

 用捆包to be baled

 包装费另计 casing extra

 包装费不另计算 cased free

 装箱免费 boxed free

 代费免除 bagged free

 席包免费 matted free

 捆包免费 baled free

 出口用包装 packed for export

 箱外附铁箍 cases to be iron-hooped

 施以铁箍 iron-hooping

 施以铁条 iron-banding

 用绳捆 roping

 鞭打 用藤捆包 caning

 情况良好 in good condition. In good order. in good state

 情况特别好in excellent condition

 情况差劲 in bad condition

 呈腐败状况 in rotten condition

 已有发霉现象 in musty condition

 已受潮 in wet condition

 呈干燥状况 in dry condition

 已有破损 in damaged condition

 呈受热状况 in heated condition

 情况不很完整, 有瑕疵 in defective condition


 小心搬运 Handle with care. With care

 此端向上 This side up. This end up

 请勿用钩 Use no hooks. Do not use dog hooks. No hooks

 不可滚转 Don’t turn over

 不可掉落 Don’t drop. Not to be dropped

 保持干燥 Keep dry

 不可横置 Keep flat. Stow level

 保持直立 Stand on end. To be kept upright

 易腐物品 Perishable goods

 保持冷冻(不可近热) Stow in a cool place。Keep cool。 Keep from heat。 Stow cool

 不可平放 Not to be laid flat。Never lay flat

 不可抛掷 Not to be thrown down

 不可重叠 Not to be packed under heavy cargo。/Not to be stowed below another cargo

 小心易碎 Fragile-with care

 不可接近锅炉或机器 Away from boilers and engines










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