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 目前,中国有实力的大企业积极 开拓国际市场,实行跨国经营战略。在中国企业走向国际市场的时候,大批国际跨国公司纷纷在中国投资,设立经营机构,成为外资流入中国的主要形式。同时,中国政府为了鼓励外商投资也采取了各种优惠措施。



 中国人的思想意识也逐步趋于开放和国际化。能够从世界的角度来看待和分析问题,并且更加 善于学习和接受新鲜事物。


 Following are some of the common terms you are likely to hear in any discussion about the global economy:

 Balance of trade

  Difference in trade (value of a country’s import and export of merchandise), expressed as a monetary figure, between any two countries or any two regions. If country A imports more than they export to country B, then country A has a deficit in their balance of trade with country B, whereas country B has a surplus in their balance of trade with country A.


  World Trade Organization, established in 1995, is responsible formonitoring national trading policies, handling trade disputes, and enforcing the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) agreements, which are designed to reduce tariffs and other barriers to international trade and to eliminate discriminatory treatment in international commerce.

 Competitive advantage

  A nation’s competitiveness depends on the capacity of its industry to innovate and upgrade. Companies gain advantage against the world’s best competitors because of pressure and challenge. They benefit from having strong domestic rivals, aggressive home-based suppliers, and demanding local customers. Competitive advanta

 Free trade

  Trade or commerce carried on without such restrictions as import duties, export bounties, domestic production subsidies, trade quotas, or import licenses. The basic argument for free trade is based on the economic theory of comparative advantage: each region should concentrate on what it can produce most cheaply and efficiently and should exchange its products for   those it is less able to produce economically.

 Capital flow

  Movement of large sums of money from one country to another to seek higher rates of return and for investment purposes.


  Gross National Product, total value of goods and services produced in an economy over a particular period of time, usually 1 year. The GNP growth rate is the primary indicator of the status of the economy. Made up of consumer and government purchases, private, domestic and foreign investments, and the total value of exports.


  Gross Domestic Product, same as GNP, with the exception that the total value of goods and services excludes foreign investments and the total value of exports.

 Repatriation of profits

  Return of the financial assets or generated income of an organization or individual from a foreign country to the home country.


  Tax on imports or exports usually imposed to raise revenue or to protect domestic firms from import competition. May also be designed to correct an imbalance of payments. The money collected under tariffs is called duty or customs duty.




 两国或两地区之间以货币量来表示的贸易差额(一国贸易额也即该国的商品进出口总额)。如果A国对B国的进口总额大于出口总额 ,那么A国与B国的贸易出现了贸易逆差,而B国则出现贸易顺差。

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