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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸知识 > 国家标准服装外贸英语:常用词汇(S组)


 saddle width 臀围,坐围

 safari jacket 猎装

 safety pin 别针,[粤]扣针

 salary slip 工资单

 salesman 业务员

 sampling 取样,抽样,采样

 sample charge,sample cost 样板费

 sample fabric,sample length,sample yardage 样布,布样,[粤]辦布,办布

 sanding 磨毛

 sateen 棉缎,横贡缎

 satin 缎,缎子,[粤]色丁

 scallop,scollop 月牙边,贝壳边

 seam allowance 缝头,缝份,[粤]止口,子口

 seam 缝,接缝,缝骨

 seam type 缝型,缝式

 selvedge,selvage 布边

 sequin (衣服饰物用的)金属小圆片,珠片

 serge 哔叽

 series of apparel size 服装号型系列

 set-in sleeve 装袖,接袖

 shade band 缸差样。提供给客户确定可接受的色光范围。(Although the lab dips are approved,the bulk yarns may also have some deviation from the lab dips from lot to lot. In this case,we need to submit all deviations from the lightest range to deepest range for the color to ask for acceptance. This lightest range to deepest range is call shade band.)

 shank (钮扣)柄,(纽扣)绕脚

 shell fabric 面料,[粤]面布

 shield (衣服腋部)吸汗垫布

 shipment under consignment 寄卖

 shipping date 出货期,[粤]落货期

 shipping mark 箱唛

 shop pack 商店包装(一般为按配比单色混码)

 short in size 断码

 short shipment 短装(出货数少于订单数)

 shorts 短裤

 shoulder dart 肩省,[粤]肩褶

 shoulder point 肩点

 shoulder 肩,[粤]膊头

 shoulder pad 肩垫,肩棉,[粤]膊头棉

 shoulder tape (车在肩缝里防止拉扯变形的)牵带

 shrinkage 缩水率

 shrink-proof,shrink-resistant 防缩

 small size 小号,小码

 size 尺寸,尺码

 size label 尺码唛,[粤]西士唛,烟纸,烟纸唛

 side-to-centre shading 边中色差

 side mark (纸箱)侧唛

 side panel 侧幅,小身

 side seam 侧缝,摆缝,[粤]侧骨

 size assortment 尺码分配

 size designation 服装号型

 size specifications,size tariff,measurements chart 规格表,尺寸表

 size sticker尺码贴纸,西士贴纸

 size table 尺寸表,规格表

 sizing 上浆

 slant corner cuff 斜角袖头,[粤]斜角鸡英

 slant-cut bottom 斜下摆

 slanting front,side opening 偏襟

 sleeve 袖子

 sleeve crown,sleeve head 袖山

 sleeve opening 袖口

 sleeve placket rooftop (袖衩)宝剑头,三尖头

 sleeve placket 袖衩(有搭位/叠位)

 sleeve slit 袖衩(无搭位/叠位)

 slit 衩(无搭位/叠位)

 sliver lurex,sliver glitter 一种带闪光效果的银线,多用于绣花

 smocking 装饰用缩褶,[粤]打缆

 snap,popper,press button 揿扣,按扣,四合扣, [粤]喼钮

 solid color solid size 单色单码

 solid color 单色

 solid size 单码

 sorting 分床分码

 space dye 段染

 spandex 弹性纤维,氨纶,[粤]弹力纤维

 special machine 特殊机器,[粤]特种车

 splicing 驳布位

 spray gun water 枪水(清除污渍用)

 spreading machine 拉布机

 spreading 拉布

 spun yarn 纺纱

 square-cut bottom,square front,plain bottom,flat bottom 平下摆

 stay tape 衬条

 steam pressing stand 蒸汽烫台

 sticker 贴纸

 stitch 线迹,针脚,[粤]针步,线步

 stitch gauge 线距(两条平行缝线的间距)

 stitch spacing 线距(缝线距离缝骨边缘的距离)

 stitching type 线迹类型,针迹类型,[粤]针步类型

 stopper 拉绳(弹簧)扣,绳索扣,绳扣,拉绳调节扣

 storm cuff 防风袖头,[粤]防风鸡英

 straight bottom 直筒裤脚

 straight cut 直纹裁

 straight end buttonhole,flat buttonhole 平锁眼

 straight knife 直刀式电剪

 strap 带子

 strap adjuster (肩带等)调节器

 strike-off,strike off 印花样,手刮样

 stripes,stripes fabric 条纹布,柳条布,[粤]条子布

 stripes matching 对条


 stuffing 填料

 style 款式

 sub-contractor 外发加工厂

 subjective inspection 感观检验

 substitute fabric 代用布

 suit 套装

 sunray pleats 光线式褶裙,散褶裙

 Suzhou Institute of Inspection on Fiber 苏州市纤维检验所

 swatch 样片,小块布样,[粤]布办

 sweep (裙)下摆

 swiftach,tag pin 枪针(打吊牌用)

 swimsuit (女)泳装










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