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Write a letter for a curtain material manufacturer, with a quotation enclosed therein, giving favorable comments on the goods offered and recommending their client’s acceptance

Dear Sirs

We thank you for your enquiry of 30th November and enclose

our quotation for curtain materials.

We have made a good selection of patterns and sent them to you today by post. Their fine quality, attractive designs and the reasonable prices at which we offer them will convince you that these materials are really of good value. There is a heavy demand for our supplies from house furnishers in various districts and regions, which we are finding it difficult to meet,but provided that we receive your order within the next ten days , we will give priority to it for prompt delivery.

Your early reply will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

1. 形式发票是为了手续起见而寄给国外客户的一种发票。该发票通常是为了给客户申请必要的进口许可证之用。

A proforma invoice is an invoice sent to buyers abroad for form’s sake. It is usually used to enable buyers to apply for a necessary import licence.

2. 兹附上我方第3419号形式发票一式两份,500辆永久牌自行车10月份交货。我们想说明一下,该形式发票有效期至19XX年9月1日止。

Enclosed is our Proforma invoice No. 3419 in duplicate covering 500 Forever Brand Bicycles for shipment during October, we wish to state that the proforma invoice is valid till September 1, 19XX.

3. 按照你方要求,随函附上我方罐头水果形式发票一式四份,供你方申请进口许可证之用。

According to your request, a proforma invoice in quadruplicate for our canned fruit is enclosed for your applying for an import licence.

As in an ordinary commercial invoice, correct invoicing is a matter of great importance in export trade. The smooth performance of a contract of sale will often depend on it.


It will be a good policy to indicate in a proforma invoice a prescribed period for which the price and conditions mentioned therein will remain valid. However, in order to avoid subsequent embarrassment for the seller, it is important that no inaccurate particulars be inserted even if the inaccuracies seem trivial.











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