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 Unless you increase the turnover, we can hardly appoint you as our sole agent. 除非你们增加营业额,否则我们无法指定你们作为我方的独家代理。

 Don't you think the annual turnover for a sole agent is rather conservative? 对独家代理来讲,这样一个年销售量,您不认为太保守吗?

 It was two years ago that we made them our sole agent. 我们是在两年前委任他们为我方独家代理的。

 When opportunity matures, we will consider making you our exclusive agent for the U.K. 当机会成熟时,我们将考虑委托你为我方在联合王国的独家代理。

 We'll consider appointing you as our sole agent for our T shirts for the next two years in your local market. 我们将考虑指定您为贵国市场上T恤衫的独家代理,为期两年。

 I am here today to apply for the sole agency of your product in our local market. 我今天来是为了申请做你方产品在我国市场上的独家代理。

 How can we appoint you as our sole agent for such a small quantity? 订货量如此之少,我们怎能请您做独家代理呢?

 I propose a sole agency agreement for bicycles for a period of 3 years. 我建议订一个专销自行车的为期三年的独家代理协议。

 We are not yet prepared to take the question of sole agent into consideration for the time being. 我们目前还不准备考虑有关独家代理的问题。

 Your application for sole agency is now under our careful consideration. 我们正在仔细考虑你方想要独家(经营)代理的请求。

 We should be interested in acting as your sole agent. 我们很乐意做贵公司的独家代理人。

  Words and Phrases

 sole agent 独家代理(人)

 exclusive agent 独家代理(人)










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