Dear Irina,
How are you doing?
I would like to inform you that the goods will be ready of shipment on April 30th. Could you arrange the balance payment for Proforma Invoice #GW080402-01 accordingly?
I already sent the booking to Daisy. I think she will confirm the details with you then.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
1. 如果是T/T付款,应提前通知客户货物完成的时间和出货时间,以便客户安排验货和支付余款。安排余款时,有些客户要求提供签章的商业发票,根据实际要求制作文件即可。另外,也需要提前联系客户的货代公司了解船期,以免延误。
2. 向客户提供问题之外的信息,比如已经和客户的货代取得联系,或者已经安排订舱等。主动让客户了解订单的进展情况,让客户放心,这也是体现服务的一种方式。