Dear Water,
Please send me revised PI in which you cancel order for spare parts, but also add that you will engage to pay 0.04% on the whole amount of the PI per day in case of delay in dispatching the goods.
I’m sorry for that but Divx market is very hard and competitive market in Italy and it’s very easy to be out the price because of delays.
After you have been revising the PI I’ll send it to you back signed.
Awaiting for your comments.
Thanks and regards,
1. 客户也肯定了订单没有备品。这也符合一开始谈订单时的情况。谈判比较顺利!有些客户比较难缠,不是很干脆,如果碰到这样的客户,有时候也没办法,也只能同意客户的要求。因为小恩惠通常也会让客户欢喜不已。来日方长,求的是以后更多的订单,更大的合作。
2. 客户也陈述了当地的竞争非常激烈。行业竞争无处不在,同行业的出口商也多如牛毛。至于怎样在行业里取胜,除了优惠的价格,上乘的质量,还需要细致的服务和一点人情味。用心培养一个客户,认真对待一个客户,无论是对于公司或者自己来说,都是值得投资的。
3. 订单落实之后,一定要快速跟进订单的细节,以免节外生枝。引起客户重视,也是工作的基本态度。