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  AA Automatic Approval 自动许可证
  a.a after arrival 到达以后
  A.A.R.;aar Against all risks 承保一切险
  abt. about 大约
  A/C. Account Current 往来帐户
  A/C. Account 帐户,帐
  Acc. Acceptance 承兑;Accepted 接受;account 帐户;Accident 意外事故 (保险用语)
  acpt. acceptance 承兑
  ACN. Air Consignment Note 空运托运单
  A/D. after date 期后
  A.D. anno domini(L.) 公元(后)
  ad;advt. advertisement 广告
  Adval. Advalorem(according to value)从价计算
  add. Address 住址
  adv. advice 通知
  A.F. Advanced freights 预付运费
  A.F.B. air freight bill 空运提单
  Ag. Agreement 同意;Agent 代理人
  A.l first-class 一等;一流
  amt. amount 金额;总数;共计
  anon. anonymous 不记名
  a/c;acc/o account of...某人帐户
  a/or and/or 与/或
  A/P Authority to Purchase 委托购买证
  a.p, abitional premium 附加费
  A/P;a.p. Additional Premium 附加保险费;额外保险费
  A.P.L.;a.p.l. As per list 按照表所列出的
  app. appendix 附录
  approx. approximately;approximate 大约
  Apr. April 四月
  A.R. All Risks 一切险
  arr. arrival;arrived 抵达
  a.s after sight 见票后
  a/s. alongside 船边
  ass mt. assortment 各种类;各色
  asst. assorted 分类;花式搭配
  atten. attention 注意
  Aug August 八月
  A/v;A.V. Advalorem=According to Value 从价;按值
  Av. average 海损;平均
  av.;A/V;avg. average 海损;平均
  A/W actual weight 实际重量;净重
  A.W.B air way bill 空运运单
  Bal. balance 差额
  bar.or brl. barrel 桶,琵琶桶
  B.B.clause Both to blame collision clause 船舶互撞条款
  B/C Bills for Collrction 托收单据
  B.C. before Christ 公元前
  b.d brought down 转下
  B.D. Bank draft 银行汇票 Bill Discounted 贴现票据
  b.d.i. both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日
  bdle.;bdl. bundle 把;捆
  b.e.;B/E;B.EX. Bill of Exchange 汇票
  B.f. Brought forward 接下页
  B/G Bonded goods 保税货物
  bg.;B/s bag(s) 袋
  bkg. banking 银行业务
  bkt. basket 篮;匡
  bl.;bls. bale(s) 包
  Blading Bill of Lading 提单
  bldg. bales 包;barrels 桶
  bot.;bott.;btl bottle 瓶
  br. brand 商标;牌
  Brkge. breakage 破碎
  brls. barrels 桶;琵琶桶
  b/s bags;bales 袋;包
  Bs/L Bills of Lading 提单(复数)
  btl. bottle 瓶
  bu. bushel 蒲式耳
  bx. box 箱
  bxs. boxes 箱(复数),盒(复数)
  c/-(or c/s) cases 箱
  ca.;c/s;cs. case or cases 箱
  C.A.D.;C/D cash against documents 付款交单
  canc. cancelled 取消;注销
  C.A.F. Cost,Assurance,Freight(=C.I.F.)成本加保费、运费价
  canclg. cancelling 取消;注销
  cat. catalogue 商品目录
  C/B clean bill 光票
  C.B.D cash before delivery 险付款后交单
  c.c. cubic centimetre 立方厘米;立方公分
  c.c. carbon copy 复写纸;副本
  C.C. Chamber of Commerce 商会
  C.C.I.B. China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商品检验局
  C/d carried down 转下
  cent. centum(L.) 一百
  Cert.;certif. certificate;certified 证明书;证明...










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