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外贸人员常用邮件模板 – 其它情况


以下为大家分享一些外贸人员常用邮件模板 - 其它情况,你可以在外贸清单APP(网页端:www.i-qingdan.com)上将以下内容导入到自己的私密清单,并根据自己的行业、公司、产品情况以及自身的经验判断进行调整和完善,做出一套适用于自己的邮件模板。


Dear John Smith,

We’d like to thank you for choosing our company as your supplier. Unfortunately, we feel at this time that we aren’t the right supplier for your needs, and will be terminating our contract, effective immediately, as per clause [12.5] in our Sales Agreement.

Please note that this is not a reflection on you personally. We simply feel that another supplier would be better suited to meet the requirements of your project.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Lily Lee


Dear John Smith,

It has been a while since we heard from you.

We value your business and want to make sure we provided you with best quality [Product name] as well as a positive customer service experience. We would like to apologize if we haven’t provided either in the past to your satisfaction.

We are committed to improvement and have since [list changes made since last order].

I have attached additional information related to [improvement] for your reference, and I would like to offer you [special offer] in return for giving us a second chance.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
Lily Lee


Dear John Smith,

On behalf of the management of [ABC Company], I apologize for the inconvenience you experienced due to the wrong information you received from our sales team.

You are very important to us. The unpleasant experience you had was not intended, however, we will take full responsibility for it. Please kindly accept our deepest apologies once again.

Please kindly let me know when it would be convenient to put a call through to you to further discuss this matter.

Thank you for your kind understanding. We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,
General Manager at ABC Company


Dear John Smith,

Thank you for your enquiry.

We are sorry you have been having difficulties contacting [Distributor name]. To answer your question, we have terminated our partnership with [Distributor name], therefore we are unable to assist you with the problem you are facing now.

The partnership was terminated on 25 January 2020, which was six months before you made your order with them. We currently have no official communication lines with them and are unable to provide you with further details regarding the situation with the company.

I have attached to this email, the legal documents showing the termination of the partnership.

It is our hopes that the situation is resolved soonest.

Best regards,
Lily Lee


Dear John Smith,

Thank you for your enquiry.

You were unable to find our [Old model name] because we have discontinued the manufacture and sales of this model. It has been replaced with [New model name] which is an improved model with more advanced features and functions.

I have attached to this email, a product catalog that contains details of the features of this new model and other models, and a PDF file containing the addresses of our distributors in your country where you can conveniently purchase this new model.

Thank you so much for choosing our product. We cherish your patronage.

Best regards,
Lily Lee


Dear John Smith,

We’re currently in the process of updating our website, and we’re wanting to showcase some client testimonial in our About Us page. We wondered if you would be happy to be featured on our site and, if so, could you provide us with a few words to accompany it?

You could either provide a short testimonial paragraph describing the experience of working with us in the past years, and what results we have achieved for you, or you could simply write a few sentences answering the questions below:

  1. What was the best thing about working with us?
  2. What results has our work generated for your company?
  3. What was your clients’ / local market reaction to our product?
  4. What can we improve on?
We will be looking forward to your positive feedback soon.

Best regards,
Lily Lee


Dear John Smith,

It’s been a pleasure working with you over the past 2 years, and I hope you’re continuing to enjoy working with us.

Just a quick favor to ask of you – do you know anyone else who is in the business of [Product name]? We’re always looking for new companies to cooperate with, and I’d appreciate anyone you can refer us to that might be a potential business partner.

Thanks a million!

Best regards,
Lily Lee


Dear John,

I have replied your below email on July 21, but seems you didn’t receive it. Please check if it is in your Spam Folder.

I have forwarded my email to you just now, please check if you have received it.



Dear John Smith,

Thanks for your information.

I’m not sure if I follow what you’re saying, any chance you could provide a little more detail? A picture or a video would be super helpful as well.


Best regards,
Lily Lee


Dear John Smith,

This is a kind reminder of an outstanding payment you have with us of USD65,260. This is with reference to the Proforma Invoice number JG20580. our records show that we have not received the payment which was due to be paid by 5th July 2020.

I herewith attach an Proforma Invoice with reference number JG20580. I have also enclosed the relevant shipping documents related to this order for your reference. If you have already made payments, please discard this email.

If these payments have not been made, kindly address this matter with urgency. We request that you make these payments ASAP without any further delay so that we can complete this order at the end of the month. As indicated on our PI, we will be charging three percent interest in the outstanding amount monthly.

Kindly send a reference code for the online transaction so that we can follow up with our finance department. If there are technical problems in processing the payment please let us know.

We appreciate and value you as a client and we would be disappointed to lose you. Thank you.

Best regards,
Lily Lee











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