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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸推广 > 对外经济贸易大学英语学院《357英语翻译基础》历年考研真题






Part Ⅰ Terminology and Phrase Translation (30%)

Section One: Translate the following terms into Chinese (10 points).

1. dynamic equivalence


2. miss the boat


3. spill the beans


4. semiotic dimension


5. postscript


6. outsourcing


7. transliteration


8. tit for tat


9. black sheep


10. over-translation


Section Two: Translate following terms into English (10 points).

1. 电子商务

【答案】electronic commerce查看答案

2. 对冲基金

【答案】hedge funds查看答案

3. 次贷危机

【答案】subprime crisis查看答案

4. 山寨手机

【答案】emulational mobile phone查看答案

5. 暗箱操作

【答案】black case work查看答案

6. 本末倒置

【答案】put the cart before the horse查看答案

7. 破釜沉舟

【答案】burn one’s bridges查看答案

8. 网恋

【答案】online love affair查看答案

9. 科学发展观

【答案】Scientific Outlook on Development查看答案

10. 和谐社会

【答案】a harmonious society查看答案

Section Three:Give full forms of the following acronyms and translate them into Chinese (10 points).

1. MOU

【答案】Memorandum of Understanding谅解备忘录查看答案

2. GDP

【答案】Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值查看答案

3. POW

【答案】prisoner of war战俘查看答案

4. CPU

【答案】Central Processing Unit中央处理器查看答案

5. LC

【答案】Library of Congress (美国)国会图书馆查看答案

6. NGO

【答案】Non-Government Organization非政府组织查看答案

7. BBS

【答案】Bulletin Board System电子公告板查看答案

8. LCD

【答案】Liquid Crystal Display液晶显示器查看答案

9. WHO

【答案】World Health Organization (联合国)世界卫生组织查看答案

10. EAP

【答案】Employee Assistance Program员工帮助计划查看答案

Part Ⅱ Passage Translation (120%)

Section One: Translate following English passages into Chinese (60 points).

Globalization is under strain as never before. Everywhere its stresses rumble. Most of sub-Saharan Africa, South America, the Middle East, and Central Asia are mired in stagnation or economic decline. North America, Western Europe, and Japan are bogged down in slow growth and risk renewed recession. War now beckons in Iraq.

For advocates of open markets and free trade this experience poses major challenges. Why is globalization so at risk? Why are its benefits seemingly concentrated in a few locations? Can a more balanced globalization be achieved?

No easy answers to these questions exist. Open markets are necessary for economic growth, but they are hardly sufficient. Some regions of the world have done extremely well from globalization—notably East Asia and China in recent years. Yet some regions have done miserably, especially sub-Saharan Africa.

The truth is that economic performance is determined not only by governance standards, but by geopolitics, geography, and economic structure. Countries with large populations, and hence large internal markets, tend to grow more rapidly than countries with small populations.

Coastal countries tend to outperform landlocked countries. Countries with high levels of malaria tend to endure slower growth than countries with lower levels of malaria. Developing countries that neighbor rich markets, such as Mexico, tend to outperform countries far away from major markets.

These differences matter. If rich countries don’t pay heed to such structural issues, we will find that the gaps between the world’s winners and losers will continue to widen. If rich countries blame unlucky countries—claiming that they are somehow culturally or politically unfit to benefit from globalization—we will create not only deeper pockets of poverty but also deepening unrest. This, in turn, will result in increasing levels of violence, backlash, and yes, terrorism.








Section Two: Translate the following Chinese passage into English (60 points).




In recent years, many Chinese exporters are adversely affected by the financial crisis. We must take effective measures to deal with this export slump, and to develop international markets in all directions. Just as the saying goes, “do not hang in one tree”, while choosing the new markets, we have to weigh the risks and opportunities and to react rapidly; we also need to keep track of the changes in market in order to select favorable time and place to export. Only those enterprises full of vitality, insight and resilience could flourish in the market and survive even in the depressed market. When some of the markets are weak, there are always other markets that are strong, thus we are able to find another door when one door shuts.

Exports must have first-class quality, style and packaging, but effective advertising and promotional activities are also important, especially the promotion by foreign languages targeted at foreign markets, which demands us to improve our language ability. Also, we must be practical and effective while participating in trade fairs abroad, sending staff abroad for promotion, and establishing factories or sales outlets abroad, etc.














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