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运点点 | 外贸干货:45个外贸英文常用习语


1.Beating around the bush

释义:Talk about something withou giving a direct answer(谈论事情不直接给出答案,拐弯抹角)

例句:The speaker was just beating around the bush and never said anything important.

2.Bend over backwards

释义:Make every effort to achieve something.especially to be fair or helpful(尽全力做某事)

例句:We will bend over backwards if the other party is committed.

3.Caved in to

释义:Submit under pressure; give in(对某件事情进行妥协或作出让步)

例句:After insisting for months, the manager caved in to his demands.

4.Call the shots

释义:To be the person who controls a situation and/or makes the decisions(可以做决定的人)

例句:You're the boss here - you get to call the shots.

5.Changed my mind

释义:Change your decision(改变主意)

例句:When I first met him I didn't like him but I've changed my mind

6.Came in high/low

释义:Charge too much/too little for your services, to ask for a price that is too high/low(收取太多/太少的服务费,报价太高/太低)

例句:The salesman came in high during the negotiations and could not sell his product.

例句:The company came in low with a offer for our product.

7.Find common ground

释义:Agree about something,share opinions orinterests(同意某事,分享观点或兴趣)

例句:The participants seem unable to find common ground on the issue of environment

8.Cover ground

释义:Talk about the important facts and details ofsomething(谈论某些重要的事实或细节)

例句:The questions were endless ang we were unable to cover much ground during the meeting.

9.Drew the line

释义:Set a limit on what one is willing to dooraccept(为自己愿意或接受的事情设定一个限度)

例句:The union was flexible on the salary issue but they drew the line at talking about health benefits.

10.Followed through with

释义:Tobe conseauent with what we agreed,to keep a promise(信守诺言)

例句:Our boss said that wages would improve soon but he never followed through with his promise

11.Got the short end of the stick

释义:To be in a disadvantaged situation, to suffer the bad effects of something(处于劣势或受到某事不好的影响)

例句:She got the short end of the stic


释义:Tobe toughstubborn,or uncompromising(态度强硬的、固执的或不妥协的)

例句:My grandfather was such a hard nosed businessman.

13.Has a card up her sleeve

释义:Have a strategy kept secret and in reserve for use when needed(留有对策,以备不时之需)

例句:She has a card up her sleeve if they ever try to fire her, since she knows about all those secret business practices

14.Poker face

释义:A blank,emotionless expression that gives no indication of one's thoughts or intentions(面无表情)

例句:Ikept looking over to see if she was impressed,but she wore a poker face throughout the presentation

15.The upper hand

释义:A position of advantage.power and/or control(处于优势地位或占了上风)

例句:After hours of fierce negotiation the president got the upper hand.

16.Hit me below the belt

释义:Unfairly target someone's weaknes or vulnerabilitv(用卑劣的手段攻击别人)

例句:Iknow she really wants the promotion,but she really hit me below the belt by telling the boss about my personal problems.

17.Holds all the cards

释义:To be in a position of power on control over someone or something else(控制某人或某事)

例句:Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over jol cuts.

http://18.In the bag

释义:Certain/Sure to be won,achievec or obtained(+拿九稳)

例句:The election is in the bag

19.Lay my cards on the table

释义:To be frank and outspoken:to reveal something that you have kept hidden,such as your,intentions,opinion etc.(直截了当地指出你的意图、观点)

例句:You deserve honesty.so Im going to lay my cards on the table: I can't offer you this job, but we may have another position that you'd be good for

20.A gentleman's agreement

释义:An arrangement or understanding which is based on the trust of both or all parties,rather than being legally


例句:We had no contract; it was done by a gentleman's agreement

21.Meet me halfway

释义:Compromise with someone,ofte in an argument or disagreement(在争议或分歧中作出让步)

例句:I'll agree to some of your requests if you'll meet me halfway and allow me to implement some of my ideas

22.On the fence

释义:Undecided: not able to make a decision(不做决定、保持中立或观望态度)

例句:Many consumers are still on the fence,waiting for a less expensiv

23.Play hardball

释义:Tobe firm and determinedin order to get what you want(为了得到你想要的东西而采取强硬手段)

例句:He's a nice guy,but he can play hardball when he needs to

24.Put your foot down

释义:Use vour authority:be inflexible in vour dosition or decision(坚定立场或决定)

例句:As a manager, you have to put you foot down sometimes, or your staff will walk all over you.


释义(1):Ouestion or doubt someone or somethingretroactively(追根究底的询问或怀疑某人某事)

例句:Why are you second-guessing m now? You agreed with this strategy just yesterday!

释义(2):Try to anticipate how something will happen or what someone wil do(试着预测某事将如何发生或某人将会做什

例句:He had to second-guess what th environmental regulations would be in five years' time.

26.Sleep on

释义:Postpone a decision until the following day so that one has additional time to consider it.(把决定推迟到第二天这样就有更多的时间来思考)

例句:Why don't you sleep on the offer and let us know your decision in the morning?

27.Stood her ground

释义:Refuse to change your opinion o give in(坚守自己的立场)

例句:I kept trying to get our boss to find a bigger office,but she stood her ground.

28.The ball is in your court

释义:It's your turn to make a decisi takeaction(轮到某人决定或采取行动了)

例句:I've done everything I could.The ball is in your court now

29.Trump card

释义:A resource used to gain an advantage over others, often by being held and then used at an opportune time(杀手询)

例句:Andrea was about to play her trump card -without her signature none of the money could be released

30.Water under the bridge

释义:Problems that someone had in the past that they do not worry about because they happened a long time ago and cannot now be changed(不可改变的既成事实,无法挽回的过去)

例句:Yes,we did have our disagreements but that's water under the bridge now.

31.A mile a minute

释义:Very quickly(很快,飞快)

例句:He talks a mile a minute.

32.Drop me a line

释义:Send me a note or a letter(写信给我)

例句:If you ever come to New York drop me a line

33.Get it off your chest

释义:Say it and feel relieved(一吐为快)

例句:Tell me about it. get it off your chest.

34.I'm all ears

释义:Im daving attention to vou(我正在注意你,洗耳恭听的意思)

例句:“Are you listening to me?""Ye

http://35.In the loop & out of the loop

释义:Aware(or unaware) of information known to onlyagroup.(消息灵通/不灵通)

例句:Please keep me In the loop/He said we kept him out of the loop.

36.It's like talking to a brick wall

释义:The person is not listening or paying attention.(某人没有在听)

例句:Ive tried to discuss it with her but it's like talking to a brick wall.

37.It's on the tip of my tongue

释义:I can almost remember but not quite.(有印象但是记不清楚,形容话到嘴边一时想不起来)

例句:It's on the tip of my tongue

38.Long story short

释义:To skip boring,unnecessary details.(长话短说)

例句:Anyway.long story short, we're moving to Germany.

39.Off the top of my head

释义:From memory ithout thinking too much(脱口而出)

40.Put me on the spot

释义:Thev forced me into a difficult situation / asked me a difficult question(迫使某人陷入困境或向某人提出了困难的问题,形容为难某人)

例句:They put me on the spot when they asked me about my other projects.

41.Spread like wildfire

释义:Circulate very quickly(流通的非常快,多指流言蜚语)

例句:Rumors spread like wildfire when people are excited.

42.Take something with a pinch of salt

释义:Be a bit skeptical about it.(对此有所怀疑)

例句:Take evervthing she savs with a dinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate.

43.Talking in riddles

释义:Speak in a convoluted/complicated way(说话拐弯抹角)

例句:Stop talking in riddles and tell me what this is about.

44.Touch base

释义:To contact someone for an update(和近期没有联络的人取得联系)

例句:I was just calling to touch base since it's been a few weeks since we last spoke.


释义:Spread by people talking about it(通过人们的谈论传播,形容口口相传、口碑)

例句:We get most of our work through word-of-mouth recommendations












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