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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸百科 > 英语商务信函写作(第二版)目录


Chapter 1 准确和正确Correctness1

1 术语准确Accuracy with Industrial Terms2

2 信息准确Information Accuracy5

3 语意正确Correct Messages7

4 拼写正确Spelling Notes12

5 综合应用Integrated Application14

Chapter 2 数词的写法Amounts and Numbers19

1 数词的写法Word Style or Numeral Style20

2 只能使用阿拉伯数词Numerical Digits Only23

3 只能使用文字数词Words Only26

4 注意事项Important Cautions28

5 综合应用Integrated Application31

Chapter 3 词法正确Correct Diction33

1 名词Nouns34

2 冠词Definite Indefinite Articles36

3 动词Verbs Verbal Phrases37

4 介词和连词Prepositions Conjunctions41

5 综合应用Integrated Application42

Chapter 4 语法正确Correct Grammar47

1 常见问题Common Problems by Chinese Writers48

2 平行结构Parallel Structure50

3 修饰语错位Dangling Modifiers54

4 不间断句子Run-on Sentences56

5 短语句Fragment Sentences59

Chapter 5 汉化英语Chinglish63

1 类型Types of Chinglish64

2 恶性中式英语Malignant Chinglish64

3 动词连用Too Many Verbs67

4 良性中式英语Benign Chinglish69

5 综合应用Integrated Applications72

Chapter 6 具体化Concreteness81

1 概述An Overview81

2 信息完整全面Complete with the Six Wu2019s83

3 细节完整具体Concreteness in Action84

4 使用具体词汇Using Concrete Words91

5 相关问题Important Cautions93

Chapter 7 体谅对方Considerateness97

1 对方为重You Attitude98

2 肯定与否定Positive vs. Negative104

3 角度恰当Appropriate Perspectives106

4 人情味Personal vs. Impersonal110

5 尊重文化差异Cultural Awareness110

Chapter 8 清楚易懂Clarity113

1 语意清楚Clear Messages114

2 语句连贯Unity and Coherence118

3 逻辑布局Logical Flow121

4 语义重心Semantic Focus124

5 信息格式化Information Formatting126

Chapter 9 简明扼要Conciseness131

1 无关信息Relevant Facts Only132

2 冗词和罗嗦Reducing Redundancies135

3 使用简单词Use Simple Words140

4 多用动词Using Action Verbs141

5 精简句子结构Streamlining Structure142

Chapter 10 恭敬礼貌Courtesy149

1 及时答复Timely Response150

2 最好不说Better Not to Say It151

3 政治问题Politically Correct154

4 礼貌友好Friendly Expressions157

5 词语褒贬Complimentary vs. Derogatory162

Chapter 11 与时俱进Currency167

1 名正言顺Updating Names168

2 语言陈腐Clichés to Avoid168

3 物尽其用Working Clichés Welcome173

4 与时俱进Modern Remodeling175

5 多样化表达Expressions Diversified179

Chapter 12 一般询函Routine Requests183

1 定义与种类Nature Types of Requests183

2 撰写步骤Writing a Request185

3 一般询问例信Exemplary Routine Requests189

Chapter 13 应求与自发询函Special Requests201

1 文本特征Important Features202

2 应求询问Solicited Requests203

3 自发询问Unsolicited Requests206

4 语言问题Language Issues210

Chapter 14 肯定回复Positive Replies219

1 回复的性质Natures of Responses220

2 回复策略Approaches in Responses221

3 肯定性回复Positive Responses222

4 肯定性回复例信Exemplary Positive Replies224

5 详解一例A Mini Case227

Chapter 15 否定回复Negative Replies237

1 直接否定Deductive Approach in Simple Negatives238

2 间接否定Inductive Approach in Negative Replies240

3 撰写步骤Writing a Negative Message242

4 否定性回复例信Negative Replies in the Inductive Approach246

Chapter 16 询价、报价与还价Enquiries, Offers and Counteroffers255

1 询价概述Enquiries with Examples256

2 报价概述Offers with Examples258

3 还价概述Counteroffers with Examples261

Chapter 17 订单与确认Orders and Replies271

1 格式化订单Form Order Letters272

2 订购函Standard Orders Letters274

3 订货确认函Replies to Orders278

Chapter 18 索赔与回复Claims and Replies289

1 概述An Overview290

2 投诉函Complaints290

3 索赔函Claims293

4 回复例信Replies to Complaints and Claims296










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