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7.4 Useful Sentences
1. The Leather Shoes are packed in boxes, each pair in a box, ten pairs into a big case,which is durable and easy to carry.
2. We will pack the Sewing Machines in cartons, which are comparatively light and therefore easier to handle than wooden cases.
3. Please see to it that the packing must be suitable for long sea voyage.
4. As some parts of the instruments are susceptible to shock, the instruments must be packed in seaworthy cases capable of withstanding rough handling.
5. These toys are packed in beautiful see-through boxes suitable for window display.
6. Our gift boxes are snow white, with a touch of gold and lavishly tied with red ribbons.They add so much to the beautiful look of your gift. The packing of it is suitable for window display.
7. Our Porcelain is packed in transparent boxes. The blister packaging gives the consumer a clear view of the graceful shape and beautiful colors of them. They are really appeal strongly to consumers.
8. Our Kitchenware can be supplied with a beautiful gift box, and you will find them ideal for gift presenting. The turnover proves that they are really appeal to customers.
9. In view of the fragile nature of the goods, we would request you to ship the above order very well packed.
10. As the Tea Sets are fragile goods, they should be wrapped in soft material and firmly packed in cardboard boxes to avoid damage in transit.
11. Please take necessary precautions that the packing can protect the goods from dampness or rain, since these shirts are liable to be spoiled by damp or water in transit.
12. The second shipment of Carpets against Order No.CV345 is also to be delivered. Please take precautionary measures against any damage in transit.
13. We are sorry that we have to reject your request for special packing because we do not have sufficient time or material for it. We would like to make the following suggestion for your consideration.
14. The Shirts are packed in plastic-lined, waterproof cartons strengthened with nylon straps.
15. The Cigars are packed 10 pieces to a small packet, 20 packets to a carton, 144 cartons to a cardboard container.
16. The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual.
17. Please mark the container as per shipping instructions.
18. All boxes are marked as usual, but please number them consecutively from No.AB 1 to AB30.
19. We have greatly improved our packing and believe that you will find the improvement in our packing more than offsets the slight rise in price and the product is now more saleable.
20. We shall do our utmost to further improve our packaging by increasing their designs and adopting new packing materials to raise the quality standard of our products.
21. Please stencil the shipping mark according to our Packing Instructions.










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