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Lesson One商务信函基础 Basics Of Business Letters

nPart One:特点和原则 Features And Principles

nPart Two:格式和结构 Format And Structure

n1. 一般商务信函格式 Format Of Ordinary Business Letters

n2. 传真及电子邮件 Fax and E-mail

n3. 商务信函的结构 Layout of Business Letters

nLesson Two国际市场营销 International Marketing

nPart One:什么是市场营销 Understanding Marketing

nPart Two:国际市场营销基础 Basics Of International Marketing

nPart Three:对话 A Dialogue

nPart Four:词汇 New Words

nPart Five:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Six:练习 Exercises

nLesson Three建立业务关系 Establishment Of Business Relations

nPart One:业务沟通基础 Basics Of Business Communication

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 卖方向买方做自我介绍并希望建立业务关系 Seller is writing to the buyer, making a self-introduction in the hope of establishing business relations

n2. 出口商向国外客户介绍并推销产品 An exporter is writing to his foreign customer, introducing his product and trying to promote its sales

n3. 厂商致函国外进口商推销自己的产品 A maker is writing to the foreign importer in order to promote the sales of his products

n4. 厂商介绍新软件 The maker is introducing his new software

n5. 进口商的自我介绍 An importer is making a self-introduction

n6. 希望成为国外厂家的销售代理 Hoping to be a sales agent of a foreign producer

n7. 进口商对贸易展览会上的产品感兴趣 An importer is showing his interest in some product displayed at a trade fair

n8. 寻找新的供货商 Try to find a new supplier

n9. 经人介绍后通过互联网求购化工产品 To purchase some chemicals on the internet at sbu2019s introduction

nPart Three:介绍你的公司 Introduce Your Company

nPart Four:词汇 New Words

nPart Five:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Six:练习 Exercises

nLesson Four询盘与复盘 Inquiries And Replies

nPart One:询盘的要点 Key Points Of Inquiries

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 购货商看到广告后去函索要价目表 A purchaser is asking for a price list after he saw the advertisement

n2. 买方向卖方询购产品 A buyer is enquiring for some product to the seller

n3. 进口商接出口商来电函后询价 An importer is replying to the exporteru2019s enquiry

n4. 进口商询价并要求最优惠条件 The importer is sending a request for best terms

n5. 进口商询价并要求寄送样品 The importer is making an enquiry and asking for some samples

n6. 回答客户询价,并提供具体交易条件 A reply to a customer, giving details of his terms and conditions

n7. 买方急需货物,去函询问交货时间 The buyer is in urgent need of the cargo and enquires about the delivery time

nPart Three:对话 A Dialogue

nPart Four:词汇 New Words

nPart Five:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Six:练习 Exercises

nLesson Five发盘与还盘 Offers And Counter Offers

nPart One:发盘要点 Key Points Of Offers

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 卖方根据购货商询价报出实盘 Sellers making an offer on the basis of an enquiry from the buyer

n2. 买方回函,要求调低价格 A reply from the buyer, requesting a lower price

n3. 卖方根据询价对外报盘,并规定最低起订数量 The seller is making an offer on a basis of an enquiry, stipulating a minimum order

n4. 凭样成交方式下对外报盘,希望对方早下订单 Making an offer under the condition of sales by samples, and hoping to receive an early order

n5. 致函对方,要求恢复业务关系并报价 Sending a letter to resume business relations

n6. 卖方报价并希望对方尽快复盘 An offer from a seller, hoping to receive an early reply

n7. 报价单 A price list

n8. 对对方报价的回盘 A reply to an offer

n9. 卖方因货源紧张而不能报盘 Unable to make any offer because there is no stock

n10. 同意给对方有条件的价格折扣 Grant a discount on some conditions

n11. 买方拒绝卖方的报价 A buyer is rejecting a selleru2019s offer

n12. 明确拒绝对方的降价要求 A clear-cut rejection of a request for price reduction

nPart Three:对话 A Dialogue

nPart Four:词汇 New Words

nPart Five:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Six:练习 Exercises

nLesson Six订单和确认 Orders And Acknowledgments

nPart One:进出口中的价格术语 Price Terms Of Import And Export

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 拒绝买方进一步降价的要求 Decling buyeru2019s request for fu-ther price reduction

n2. 一般订货 An ordinary order

n3. 试订货 A trial order

n4. 订货并要求对方迅速发货 Sending an order, demanding a prompt delivery

n5. 续订货 A repeat order

n6. 零散订货 Separate orders

n7. 难以接受订单并致歉 Unable to accept an order and apologize

n8. 接受订单并希望保持长期业务关系 Accept an order and hope to maintain a long-standing business relationship

n9. 建议改为替代产品 Suggest a replacement

n10. 对对方订单中的某些条件不能接受 A partial refusal of some terms in the order

nPart Three:对话 A Dialogue

nPart Four:词汇 New Words

nPart Five:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Six:练习 Exercises

nLesson Seven合同 Contract

nPart One:合同要点 Key Points Of A Contract

nPart Two:商业合同实例 Examples Of Business Contract

n1. 售货单 A Sales Note

n2. 销售合同 A Sales Contract

nPart Three:词汇 New Words

nPart Four:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Five:练习 Exercises

nLesson Eight信用证结算方式 Payment By L/C

nPart One:信用证的一般流程 The Basic Procedure Of L/C

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 货物待装并催开信用证 Urging the establishment of L/C with the cargo being ready for shipment

n2. 催证并提醒对方注意与合同条款保持一致 Urging the L/C and emphasizing its conformity with the clauses of S/C

n3. 催促迟迟不到的信用证 Urging a belated L/C

n4. 通知对方信用证已经收到 Acknowledge the receipt of L/C

n5. 出口商致函进口商要求修改信用证金额 An exporter is writing to an importer in request for an amendment of L/C amount

n6. 要求开证人展证 A request for an extension of the L/C

n7. 出口商要求开证人改证并允许货物转船 A request by the exporter for an amendment of L/C and the permission of transshipment

n8. 因出现特殊情况而要求对方修改信用证的交货日期 A request for the amendment of L/C due to some special occurrences

n9. 开证人同意修改信用证 The opener agrees to amend his L/C

n10. 收到银行改证函 Arrival of a banker誷 amendment of L/C

n11. 卖方致函买方,不同意对方提出的货款托收条件 A seller is writing to his buyer, declining the newly proposed terms of payment on collection

n12. 要求暂缓付款 Defer a payment

n13. 通知对方办理付款 Asking your customer to make payment

n14. 催促对方付款 Urging payment

n15. 开立信用证申请书 An application for the establishment of L/C

nPart Three:漫话信用证 A Talk About Problems Of L/C

nPart Four:词汇 New Words

nPart Five:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Six:练习 Exercises

nLesson Nine货物运输 Shipment

nPart One:货物运输的要点 Key Points Of Shipment

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 催装 Urging shipment

n2. 用户催促卖方尽快交货 User urging delivery

n3. 出口商声明对方不来证将取消装运 Exporter wants to cancel the shipment unless the L/C arrives

n4. 因对方来证不及时而要求延长交期 A request for an extension of the L/C due to a belated L/C

n5. 因发生不可抗力事故而要求推迟装运 A request for an extension of the date of shipment due to force majeur

n6. 对海运货物的运输标志提出修改 A request for the modification of shipping marks

n7. 托运人洽租运输工具 Shippers chartering a vessel

n8. 发货人洽订集装箱 Shippers booking containers

n9. 托运人发出装船通知 Shipper issues a shipping advice

n10. 对货物单据的说明 An explanation of the shipping documents

n11. 探讨新的交易条件 A discussion about new business terms

n12. 托运人指定货运代理 A shipper is designating his shipping agent

n13. 出口商解释迟装原因 Exporter explains the reason of late shipment

nPart Three:漫话物流 A Talk About Logistics

nPart Four:词汇 New Words

nPart Five:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Six:练习 Exercises

nLesson Ten投保 Covering Insurance

nPart One:保险基本知识 Basics Of Insurance

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 托运人向保险公司询问有关投保事宜 The shipper is inquiring about the insurance coverage

n2. 保险公司回函乐意承保 A reply from the insurance company

n3. 进口商致函出口商要求投保T.P.N.D.险 The importer is proposing the coverage of T.P.N.D.

n4. 托运人接受保险公司的保险条件 The shipper agrees to the terms of the insurance company

n5. 客户对雨季运输提出特别保险要求 The client is demanding special insurance arrangements during the rainy season

n6. 保险公司同意承保并要求投保人支付保费 The insurance company agrees to cover and demands payment by the shipper

n7. 收货人因货物短量而向保险公司提出索赔 Shipper claiming against the insurer for a shortage

n8. 保险公司拒绝收货人的索赔 Claims rejected by the insurance company

nPart Three:词汇 New Words

nPart Four:注释与常用短语 Notes Useful Expressions

nPart Five:练习 Exercises

nLesson Eleven商业纠纷的解决 Settlement Of Business Dispute

nPart One:索赔的基本知识 Basic Ideas Of Claims

nPart Two:信函样本 Some Specimen Letters

n1. 到货










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