AFREXIMBANKAfrican Export-Import Bank
Africa Project Development Facility - The APDF seeks to accelerate development of productive enterprises sponsored by private African entrepreneurs as a means of generating self-sustained economic growth and productive employment in Sub-Saharan Africa. The facility provides advisory services
African Development Bank - AfDB (French: Banque Africaine de Developpement) provides financing through direct loans to African member states to cover the foreign exchange costs incurred in Bank-approved development projects in those countries. Fifty-one African countries are member
aft - At or towards the rear of a ship.
AFTA - ASEAN Free Trade Area
AG - "Aktiengesellschaft, Australia Group"
Agency for International Development - "AID was created in 1961 to administer foreign economic assistance programs of the U.S. Government. AID has field missions and representatives in approximately 70 developing countries in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Near East."
Agent/Distributor Service - "The Agent/Distributor Service, ADS, is an International Trade Administration (ITA) fee-based service which locates foreign import agents and distributors."
Agrement - Agreement by one government to accept the accreditation of an ambassador from another government.
AGRICOLA - Agricultural OnLine Access
AGRIS - Agriculture Information System
Agt. - "Agent, Against, Agreement"