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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸知识 > 2014年外贸英语函电答案讲义(42)


 I. Translate the following terms and phrases, then make sentences with them.

 1. financial and business standing财务与贸易状况

 We would be much obliged if you could provide information, in confidence, on the financial and business standing of the above Company.

 2. It goes without saying 毫无疑问

 It goes without saying that any information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and you are free from any responsibilities.

 3. strictly confidential严格保密

 Any information you provided will be treated as strictly confidential.

 4. be free from any responsibilities 无需承担任何责任

 You are free from any responsibilities for the information.

 5. in advance 提前

 We thank you in advance for you cooperation in this respect.

 6. financial status财务状况

 The company’s financial status is in good condition.

 7. free of charge 免费

 We provide the above information free of charge, and you are requested to keep it in secret.

 8. enjoy good reputation 享有良好信誉

 The company you required enjoys good reputation here.

 9. small business engagement小额贸易

 We have done business with them for over 3 years, but all the transactions are small business engagement.

 10. take any responsibilities 承担责任

 You needn’t take any responsibilities for the information you give us.

 11. general financial standing总体财务状况

 We would be much obliged if you could inform us of the general financial standing on the captioned company.

 12. be reliable for可靠的

 In your opinion, are they likely to be reliable for a credit up to USD 6,000, 000?

 Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

 to, for ; on, with ; to, with ,as ; in ; to, in ; in; in ,on; as, on; to ,with ; in, for

 Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

 1. 如能秘密告知我方他们的财务状况与贸易模式,我方将不胜感激。

 2. 请您联系该银行以便向我们提供任何可能的信息。

 3. 毫无疑问,贵方提供给我方的任何信息都将严格保密,并且无需承担任何责任。

 4. 据说,他们与其供应商之间的贸易是令人满意的。

 5. 对于大宗贸易,我们建议使用即期信用证支付。

 6. 关于我们的信用与财务状况,请向你地的中国银行查询。

 7. 因为本公司正要与该公司订立某重要交易, 所以希望事先正确地了解该公司的信用状况。

 8. 史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易, 指定贵处为信用咨询人。

 9. 很抱歉,我方无法提供所要具体信息。

 10. 如有需要,我方将乐于向贵方提供类似服务。

 Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English.

 1. We refer you to The Bank of Switzerland if you wish to make any inquiries on our general financial standing

 2. We will keep any information you provided in confidence and you needn’t take any responsibilities.

 3. Any information you may give us will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential.

 4. Any statement provided by this bank or any of its officers as to the standing of any person, firm or corporation, is given as a mere matter of opinion for which no responsibility, in any way, is to attach to this bank or any of its officers.

 5. We have learned the company has not been long established and enjoys good reputation, but is not supposed to be rich.

 6. We shall be pleased to render you any further services, and we ask you to consider this information as given in strict confidence.

 7. We regret our inability to tell you anything positive concerning the firm mentioned in your letter dated May 5。

 8. We are glad to be working with a company like you enjoying such high reputation.

 9. Up to now, our business relations with them has been satisfactory.

 10. We have little information on this company.

 Ⅴ. Situational writing

 Dear Sirs,

 Universal House addressing Lawton Street, Liverpool, England wishes to enter into business relations with us. As having little information on them, we would be grateful if you could supply us with some information about the company's general financial standing according to your experience.

 It is doubtless that any information you supply will be treated in the strictest confidence and for which you needn’t take any responsibilities.

 Thank you in advance.

 Yours faithfully,










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