1、本月10日来函收悉,感谢贵方对... ...的订货。
We received your letter of the 10th inst., and thank you for your order for ...
2、贵公司5月10日来函及五部印刷机器的 定单 均已收到,在此表示感谢。
We are in receipt of your favour of the 10th May, with your order for five printing machines, which I herewith acknowledge with best thanks.
3、贵公司6月10日电 报关 于高级砂糖100英担 定单 已收到,并予以确认。
We confirm herewith your telegraphic order of the 10th June, for 100 cwt. of the best sugar.
We acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 10th July, and thank you for the order you have given us.
Bgyedu.CoM To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order, a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you.
Our requirements are now fully covered for some time to come, and we therefore greatly regret that we have to cancel our order with you.
We are sorry to report that our buyer does not confirm this order at your price $500; we must, therefore, ask you to cancel same.
I regret that I have to notify you of so many orders being ceancelled at the same time.