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c.o.d. ,C.O.D.-------------Cash on delivery or Collection delivery 货到付款
destn.------------------destination 目的港; 目的地
COFC-----------------------Container on Flat Car 平板车装运集装箱
D/N---------------------debit note 欠款账单
Com.-----------------------Commission 佣金
doc.--------------------document 单据
Con.inv.-------------------Consular invoice 领事签证发票
doc. att.---------------document attached 附单据; 附证件
Contd.---------------------Cotinued 继续; 续 (上页 )
D/P---------------------document agsinst payment 付款交单
Contg.---------------------containing 内容

Corp. ; Corpn. ; cor.------corporation 公司 ; 法人
d.p.--------------------direct port 直达港口
C/P ; c. py.---------------charter party 租船契约
d/s ;d.s. ; days. st.---days after sight 见票后若干天付款
C.Q.D.---------------------Customary Quick Despatch 按习惯速度装卸
ds. ; d's.--------------days 日
Cr.------------------------Credit 贷方; 信用证; Creditor 债权人
dto. ; do--------------ditto 同上;同前
Crt.-----------------------crate 板条箱

Ct.------------------------Cent 人 ; Current 当前; 目前

D.W.T.------------------dead weight tonnage 载重吨
C.T.D.---------------------Combined transport document 联合运输单据
D/Y---------------------delivery 交付;交货
CT B/L---------------------Combined transport bill of Iading 联合运输提单
C.T.O.---------------------Combined transport operator 联合运输经营人

cu. in. ; cb. in.----------cubic inch 立方寸
ea.-----------------each 每
cb. m.-------------cubic metre 立方米; 立方公尺
E.C.----------------Exempli causa(for example)例如
cu.ft. ; cb.ft.------------cubic foot 立方英尺
E/D-----------------Export Declaration 出口申报单
cur. ;---------------------Curt current (this month) 本月
E.E.----------------errors excepted 错误当查;错误当改
cur.-----------------------currency 币制
E.U--------------European Union欧洲联盟

e. g. ; ex. g.------Exempli gratia (L.) =for example 例如
C.W.O.---------------------cash with order 订货时付款
end-----------------endorsed ; endorsment 背书
c.w.t. ; cwt.--------------hundredweight 英担 (122磅)
encl. ; enc.------- enclosure 附件
CY-------------------------Container Yard 集装箱堆场
E.& O.E.------------errors and omlssions excepted 错漏当查;错漏当改
E.O.M.--------------end of month 月末
E.O.S.--------------end of season 季末
eq.-----------------equivalent 等值的;等量的
F-----------------degree Fahrenheit 华氏度数
e.q.----------------equal quantity monthly 每月相等的数量
F. A.-------------free alongside (ship) (船)边交货
Et. seq.------------Et sequentia(and other things)及以下所述的
f/a/a ; F.A.A.----free from all average 分损不赔(保险用语)
Et. al.-------------Et alibi(and elsewhere)等等
e.t.a. ; eta ; ETA--estimated ( expected ) time of arrival 预计到这时间
f.a.q. ; F.A.Q.---fair average quailty 大路货;中等品质
etc.----------------et cetera (L.)= and others 等等
f.a.s. ; F.A.S.---free alongside ship 船边交货价
ETCL ; etcl---------expected time of commencement of loading 预计开装时间
F.B.--------------freight bill 运费单
etd ; ETD-----------estimated(expected)t ime of departure 预计离港时间
ETDEL---------------expected time of delivery 预计交货时间
Fch.--------------frachise 免赔率(一般指相对的)
ETFD----------------expected time of finishing discharging 预计卸完时间
FCL---------------Full Container Load 整箱货
ETFL----------------expected time of finishing loading 预计装完时间
F.C. & S.---------free of capture and seizure clause 战争险不保条款
f.e.--------------forexample 例如
ex.-----------------excluding 除外;example 例子;样本
Exch----------------exchange 兑换;汇兑
f.f.a.------------free from alongside 船边交货价
Excl.---------------exclusive or excluding 除外
f.g.a.; F.G.A.--free from general average 共同海损不赔
ex.int.------------ex interest 无利息
f.i.--------------for instance 例如;free in 船方不负担装船费
exp.----------------export 出口

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