armature time constant ==> 电枢时间常数
armature tooth ==> 电枢齿
armature winding ==> 电枢绕组
armature winding equalizer ==> 电枢绕组均衡线
armor ==> 铠装
armor of a cable ==> 电缆镫装
armored ==> 镫装的
armored cable ==> 铠装电缆
armored insulator ==> 铠装绝缘子
armoring tape ==> 铠装带
armoring wire ==> 铠装线
armstrong motor ==> 阿姆斯特朗活塞液压马达,活塞液压马达
arnild motor ==> 安诺德电动机
arrangement ==> 布置
arrangement of fitting ==> 灯具配置
arrangement of frames inside the cabinet ==> 箱内框架布置图
arrangement of pole attachments ==> 电杆附件的配置
array ==> 阵列,阵阵列
array configuration ==> 阵排列
array declarator ==> 数组说名
array element ==> 数组元素
array identifier ==> 数组说名
array name ==> 数组说名
array processor ==> 阵列处理机
arrester ==> 避雷器,制动器,停机装置,稳定装置,放电器
arrester alternation sparkovervoltage ==> 避雷器振荡火花放电电压
arrester characteristic element ==> 避雷器特性元件
arrester discharge capacity ==> 避雷器放电容量
arrester discharge voltage current characteristic ==> 避雷器放电伏安特性
arrester varistor ==> 防雷用电压敏电阻器
arrival current ==> 输入电流
article ==> 文章,论文
articulated robot ==> 关节型机器人
articulation ==> 清晰度
artificial brain ==> 人工脑
artificial cable ==> 仿真电缆
artificial circuit ==> 模拟电路
artificial cooling ==> 人工冷却
artificial daylight ==> 人造昼光
artificial defect ==> 人工缺陷
artificial environment ==> 人工环境
artificial field method instrument ==> 人工电场法仪器
artificial grounding ==> 人工接地
artificial illumination ==> 人工照明
artificial intelligence ==> 人工智能
artificial lamp ==> 工艺灯
artificial light source ==> 人造光源
artificial lighting generator ==> 人造闪电发生器
artificial lightning ==> 人造电闪
artificial line ==> 仿真线
artificial load ==> 仿真负载
artificial magnet ==> 人造磁铁
artificial mains network ==> 仿真电源网络
artificial radioactivity ==> 人工放射能
artificial seawater ==> 人工海水
artificial ventilation ==> 人工通风
artificial voice generator ==> 模拟话音发生器,模拟语言发生器
artistic lighting ==> 艺术照明
artwork ornaments ==> 工艺装饰品
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