们经常碰到老客户的询价邮件 如何认真的回答重要客户的询价 能够每单必争 反映出各个销售之间的能力差别, 这是最近我在做www.membrane-solutions.com 时候一个老客户的询价 原文是这样的:
Hi Helen,
I have a request from a dealer that claims he buy from Millipore NYlon and PTFE filters 0,45 um - 25mm at $530,00 and $580,00 packs of 1000 units. I know this person for a long time and trust him. THis is the type of situation we meet frecuently. Can you manage these levels?
分析: 这个询单诉求很清晰 客户也志在必得这个单子 所以我们要尽力把他拿下
我并没有简单的报个价格就发过去 而是精心准备了一封邮件:
Dear Terry:
I was thinking through the night which products will be best for you to start with, here comes your email, Nylon and PTFE filters can not be wrong at any labs, it is really a great choice to pick:
1) Nylon syringe filters: >20 packs: $239/1000 (save $450)
2) PTFE syringe filters >20 packs: $ 279/1000 (save $475)
I will send you products introduction for nylon and PTFE soon, besides, every lot will attach QC document, delivery time is from 7-10 days upon confirmation,
Furthermore: I recommende following products for your consignment plan, if match your request, I will put them into products brochure:
1) PES, CA sterile syringe filters
2) Nylon, PTFE, PES CA membrane filters
3) MCE gridded membrane filter, white and black
4) Tissue culture plastics (plates, flasks, wells)
5) Pipettes (serological, pasture, regular)
6) Vaccum filters set
7) HPLC accesarries: samples vials, SPE, TLC etc
8) Glass fiber, quatz fiber, Filter paper and othe special paper
If the products list are good for you, we will start to design product brochure momentarily,
Let me know how is your distributor thinking of our quotation? And when we could get the orders?
cartridge filters