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建立海外业务:Establishing Overseas Business Relation

文章摘自:外贸英文函电【张颖 张键 主编吴浩波 吴郑龙 副主编】

Attn: Mr.Andy Burns

Date: May 16th,2016

Dear Sirs,

From http://www.alibaba.com we have learned that you are in the market for cosmetic pencils,which just falls within our business scope.We are now writing to you in the hope of entering intobusiness relations with you.

As a leading trading company in HEFEI,the capital of Anhui province,and backed by nearly 20 years of export experience,we have good connections with some reputable factories.Sufficient supplies and on-time delivery are guaranteed.

To give you a general idea of our products,we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specifications and means of packing.Quotations and samples will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquiries.

Please let us know if we may be of further assistance,and we are looking forward to your specific inquiry.

Thanks and best regards.

Zheng Hao【Communication Skills】沟通技巧






Letter 1

Intention from the Exporter(I)

Dear Mr.Joe Brown,

With reference to your letter of Oct 8th,2016,we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with our company.

In compliance with your request,we are sending you our latest catalogues covering our best sellers of this year.

If you find any items are of interest to you,please let us know your specific enquiry,and our quotation will be forwarded without delay.

Yours faithfully,

Letter 2

Intention from the Exporter(Ⅱ)

Dear Sirs,

Having obtained your name and address from the Internet,we learned that you are handling the import and export of canned goods.And now we are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations.

We have been importers of canned goods for many years and enjoyed high reputation in our country.At present,we are interested in your products and will appreciate it if you could send us your latest catalogues and quotations.

If the prices are in line and the time of shipment is acceptable,we trust important business will be closed.

Yours faithfully,

Letter 3

Importer's Profiles from Banks

Dear Sirs,

Your name and address have been given to us by the Standard Chartered Bank of Asia.We have the pleasure of addressing this letter to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.

It's our first time to contact with your http://country.In view of developing friendly relations between our two countries,we wish to ascertain whether cooperation to the advantage of both our firms could be established.We invite you to send us details and prices,possibly also samples,of such goods as you would be interested in selling,and we shall gladly study possibilities in our market.

Sincerely yours,

Letter 4

Intention from the Importer(I)

Dear Sirs,

We have obtained your name and address from Bureau Veritas,France,and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us.

We have been a leading importer of

lamps for many years.At present,we are interested in extending our overseas trade,and would be appreciated if you send us your latest catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Letter 5

Intention from the Importer(Ⅱ)

Dear Ms.Cathy Lee,

Having obtained your name and address from the Internet,we are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations.

We have been one of the leading importers of hardware in our country and enjoyed high reputation in USA markets.At present,we are interested in your products and will appreciate it if you could send us your latest catalogues.

If the quality of products is satisfactory and the prices are competitive,we trust important business can materialize.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully

【Writing Q&A】写作答疑



  1. Sorry to trouble you again!
  2. Sorry to reply you late.
  3. We will delay the delivery until Jan.10th.
这三句话听起来为何不舒服呢? 因为用了trouble、late、delay等具有消极意义的词。“Sorry to trouble you again”(再次给您添麻烦了)是典型的中国式的谦虚客套。在中国人的意识里,trouble是个积极意向的词,因为他们知道并不是真的有麻烦。可对老外而言,trouble是一个负向能量的词,觉得你是真有麻烦事要找我,这会引起对方不快的感觉。在邮件中尽量不要使用消极负面的词,以免引起客户的不快与误解。上述语句可以改为:

Further to my last E-mail...我们其实想表达的是:我又来联系你了。

Sorry for not being able to reply you earlier.这个其实表达了“不是故意要晚回复,而是没办法”的意思。即我不是忽略你,而是有原因的。

We will get the goods ready on Jan.10th.这句话含有我们主观努力的潜在意思。

【Useful Expression】交流表达

1.From http://www.alibaba.com we have learned that you are in the market for cosmetic pencil,which just falls within our business scope.我们从阿里巴巴网站获悉,贵方正采购化妆笔,这恰好是我方的业务范围。

2.To give you a general idea of our products,we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing various products…为了使贵方大致了解我方的产品,我们随函附上一整套展示各式产品的宣传册。

3.Quotations and samples will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquiries.
http://4.In compliance with your request,we are sending you our latest
catalogues covering our best sellers of this year.
5.If the prices are in line and the time of shipment is acceptable,we trust important business will be closed.
6.We have the pleasure of addressing this letter to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.
7.We have obtained your name and address from Bureau Veritas,France,and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us.
8.We shall be appreciated very much if you send us your latest catalogues and quotations.
9.We have been one of the leading importers of hardware in our country and enjoyed high reputation in USA markets.
1.market n.市场;行情
be in the market for 求购
e.g.I am in the market for a new HDTV and the newspaper ads are using terminology that I'm unfamiliar with.(我想买一台新的高清电视,不过我对报纸广告中的专业词汇并不熟悉。)
2.business scope 业务范围
e.g.For enterprises concurrently engaged in advertising business,applications shall be filed with the relevant departments for change of business scope registration.(兼营广告业务的企业,应当办理经营范围变更登记。)
3.business relations 业务关系
e.g.The high reputation,which you are enjoying as camera importers,has rendered us desirous of entering into business relations with you.(贵公司是信誉卓著的照相机进口商,我公司极愿与贵公司建立业务关系。)
4.leading importer 主要进口商
e.g.We have learned,from the China Daily that you are a leading importer of household electric appliances,and at present you are in the market for electric fans.(我们从《中国日报》上得知贵公司是家用电器的主要进口商,目前贵方想要购买电扇。)
5.reputable adj.声誉好的;受尊敬的
e.g.The Chinese government encourages the competitive and reputable big companies to do business in Chile and also welcomes the Chilean companies to invest in China.(中国政府鼓励有实力、信誉好的大企业到智利创业发展,也欢迎智利企业到中国投资兴业。)
6.delivery n.交付;递送
e.g.All of these result in improved customer satisfaction through the timely delivery of high quality software.(这些都是通过及时交付高质量的软件来提高用户满意度的。)
delivery date 交货日期
delivery order 提货单
delivery time 交货期
delivery point 交货地点
free delivery 免费送货,包邮
immediate delivery 立即交货
home delivery 送货上门
take delivery of 收到(所购货物)
e.g.We took delivery of the software in February.(我们在2月收到了所购软件。)
7.enclose vt.随函附上
e.g.Please enclose a check with your order.(请随订单附上支票。)
8.leaflet n.传单
9.specification n.规格
e.g.Have you get a product of this specification?(不知贵方有没有这种规格的产品?)
10.quotation n.报价,报价单
e.g.We have pleasure in recommending to you...and enclose Quotation No....for your reference.(荣幸地向贵方推荐……随函附上第……号报价单,供贵方考虑。)
11.upon receipt of 一经收到
e.g.The goods will be sent upon receipt of your remittance.(收到贵方汇款后即发货。)
e.g.This credit will only upon receipt of import licenses by applicant.(本信用证仅在申请人收到进口许可证后方可生效。)
12.reference n.参考,参照;涉及,提及
with reference to 关于
e.g.With reference to our representative's call,we are pleased to say that we have obtained the receipt for the goods.(关于对我方代表的来电,我们高兴地告知您货物的收据已经收到。)
e.g.With reference to our telephone conversation today…(关于我们今天在电话中的谈话……)
13.compliance n.顺从,服从;承诺
in compliance with 按照
e.g.Ensure staff in compliance with company policies and procedures.(确保员工遵守公司规定和操作流程。)
http://e.g.In compliance with your request,we are sending you herewith our Proforma Invoice in triplicate.(按贵方要求,随函寄去形式发票,一式三份。)
14.catalogue n.产品目录
15.enquiry n.询盘
e.g.Please let us have your specific enquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue.We shall make offers promptly.(如对目录中所列之商品感兴趣,请具体询价,我方将立即报价。)
16.quotation n.报价单;引用语;引证
e.g.We can certainly do this,but it is subject to an additional premium,because our CIF quotation doesn't include this risk.(我们当然可以照办,但战争险要交额外的保险费,因为我们的CIF报价没有包括这种险别。)
e.g.We have pleasure in recommending to you...and enclose Quotation No....for your reference.(荣幸地向贵方推荐……随函附上第……号报价单,供贵方考虑。)
quotation sheet 报价单;报价量
direct quotation 直接标价法
indirect quotation 间接标价法
17.be in line 一致;协调;有秩序
e.g.The new proposal is in line with our general rule.(新建议和我们总的原则是一致的。)
18.transact vi.交易;谈判 vt.办理;处理
e.g.Do I get to review my order before we transact?(在交易前,我能回头查看我的订单吗?)
e.g.I would like to help more buyers to discover your company so they can transact business with you directly.(我希望能帮助更多的买方知道您的公司,以便他们直接与您进行交易。)
19.significant adj.重要的;有意义的;有重大意义的;值得注意的
20.address vt.书写
21.Bureau Veritas
22.lamp n.灯具
23.hardware n.五金器具
24.extend vt.延伸;扩大
e.g.Management has agreed to extend the deadline.(管理层已同意延长最后期限。)
25.materialize vi.实现,成形;突然出现 vt.使具体化,使有形

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