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Life after tariffs


Trade war? China’s exporters have expanded their global market share


As America raises its walls, Chinese companies find new terrain


· terrain /tə'ren/ n. 地形,地势,地带

Print edition | Finance and economics

A year ago an economic forecasting unit in the Chinese government published an outlook for the coming year. The big worry, it concluded, was the external environment. Shipments to America, China’s biggest customer,would suffer as the trade war dragged on. China had maxed out its exports to other big countries, and others were too small to make a difference.

· shipment n. 我们熟知的意思是船运、水运,这里是“货物”的意思

· drag on 拖延


So China’s boffins are, like many others, surprised by how things have gone. Exports to America are indeed down, by nearly 15% so far this year. But exports to the rest of the world have been much stronger (see chart).China, it turns out, had more to sell to its big customers: exports to Europeare on track to surpass exports to America this year. Meanwhile exports to smaller markets in South-East Asia, such as Vietnam and Malaysia, have boomed.

· boffin /ˈbɑfɪn/ n. <英俚>研究员,技术专家,科学工作者

· on track 步入正轨,走上正轨

· boom v. 激增,繁荣昌盛


According to data from cpb World Trade Monitor,China’s share of global exports has reached 11.9%, slightly higher than in July 2018, when the first American tariffs hit. Sluggish imports—in part because of a domestics low down—mean the trade surplus is set to be about a quarter bigger in 2019 than in 2018.

· sluggish adj. 萧条的,行动迟缓的

· surplus /'sɝpləs/ n. 过剩,剩余,顺差


One explanation for China’s resilient exports is the yuan’s 6% depreciation against the dollar since the trade war began. That has blunted the tariffs’ impact. China’s currency has also weakened against other major trading partners.

· resilient /rɪ'zɪlɪənt/adj. 弹性的

· depreciation /dɪ,priʃɪ'eʃən/n.贬值,跌价(与之相反的是appreciation增值)

· blunt v. 使减弱,使降低效应


A second is goods routed through other countries to avoid tariffs. Some sent to South-East Asia have ended up in America. Vietnamese customs officials have stepped up checks of everything from seafood to aluminium to ensure that they are not relabelled Chinese goods. Julian Evans-Pritchard of Capital Economics, a research firm,estimates that American tariffs have cut Chinese gdp growth by about 0.6 percentage points, but that trans-shipments through South-East Asia may have lifted it back up by 0.3 percentage points.

· step up 增加,提升

第二种解释的通过往其他国家的货物来避免关税。一些被发往东南亚的货物最终还是来到了美国。越南海关官员已经加强了从海鲜到铝的所有商品的检查,以确保这些商品不会被重新贴上中国商品的标签。研究公司Capital Economics的Julian Evans Pritchard估计,美国海关使中国国内生产总值增长下降了约0.6个百分点,但通过东南亚的转口运输可能使其回升了0.3个百分点。















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