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商务英语好词好句分享 | BBC English at Work(持续更新)


Hi 大家好


目前我在外企实习,出于学习商务英语的需要,我查看了许多回答,最后将学习的一部分内容瞄准在《BBC English at Work》。







Hold tight 抓牢(扶手)

Fastest growing sth 发展最快的…

Arrogant [ˈærəgənt] 傲慢的 自大的

Timekeeping 守时

Listen in 收听广播;在一旁听别人讲话

- You must be..? 你就是?

- It’s Anna. 我是Anan.

Impressive qualification 出色的资质

What sales experience can you bring to our company?

Sell yourself 自我推销

Be involved with a campaign to promote and sell a new range of cloths 参与活动

Achieve a lot during your time at university

Team working

Treasurer 财务主管

That was OK I suppose.

I am particularly proud of

Split tea over sth 将茶水打翻在…上

It will dry out. 它会干的。

In late 不准时

A good example that comes to mind is that…

Motivated 积极的

Above all 给出最后的理由

This job is an ideal match for my skills and experience。

Get on with people easily 平易近人

But enough about the company, this all about you. 公司的信息够了,多说说你自己吧。

Come to a sudden end 戛然而止

What’s the matter? 发生什么事了?

USB stick = U disk = memory stick U盘

Vanish 消失

Can I make a suggestion?

Maybe we could?

How about doing?

Disorganized 组织混乱的,没有条理的

Shirty 心情坏的,发怒的

Sensible suggestion 明智的建议

Good thinking 好主意

- Thank you.

- Pleasure.

See solution 想出解决方案

A first-rate people person 一流的人

Where were we? 我们说到哪里了?

At one point 一度,在某一时刻

I’ ve got a big deal just coming through. 有件大事刚过来

Do lunch 吃午饭

Splendid 豪华的,极好的或者让人满意的

Set up printer 设置打印机

Could I have it within 10 minutes please? 我十分钟内做它可以吗?

See a vegetable quite that size 那个尺寸的蔬菜

Give me a shout if you need anything.

Grumpily 脾气粗暴地

Computer crashes 电脑死机

At once 一次性,同时

Give a hand with your coat. 我来帮你拿大衣吧。

Run 运营,管理

Calm sb down 让某人冷静下来

Cope 不及物动词 处理

Cope brilliantly 出色地处理

That must have been very inconvenient for you.

Via express delivery

Make up for 弥补

It’ s a bit of a secret.

Trusted 可信赖的

A teeny bit tense 一点紧张

Difficult conversation 艰难的对话

I am really impressed. = Well done.

Talk on the phone to a friend

Sth does not look right on sb sth不搭sb

He is not a brown shoe sort of person. 他穿棕色的鞋子不好看。

I just want to make sure that

Could you possible clarify

I just want to check

One thing I wasn’t sure of was

Just to be absolutely clear

Overall adv.大体上 a. 总体的,全面的,综合的

Sb be hard at work 努力工作

Ask sb to lunch 邀请某人去吃饭

Promise sb that 向某人保证

Look at sb with big eyes 瞪大眼睛看着某人(表示很有兴趣)

I wanted to just say no, but with everyone complaining that I am not polite on the phone…


Thank you for your offer. But I am really sorry, I won’t be able to.

I am afraid it is against company policy.

It wouldn’t be appropriate.

With regret, I am going to have to say no.

Recognise sth 认出,识别出

Get sth down 写下…

Be desperate to do 迫不及待做某事

Get sb 联系到某人

Can I take a message? 需要我捎个口信给…吗?

Pass sth on to sb then 向…传达某事


Put in an order for sth 下订单买…

We are going to need sth.

Could you send sth?

Could we also have sth?

When can we expect to receive them?

Phone back sb 回某人电话


Bothered 烦恼的

Copy sb in 抄送某人

Sb be a waste of space 废物,无用的人


I hope you are well.

I am writing regarding…

Please could you confirm sth…

Be on the phone 在打电话

Read sth through 通读…

Hang on 稍等(并非只有在打电话时才用)

Improved 改良过的

It‘s so cold in here. 这里真冷。

Certificate for sth …的资质

Total n. 总额

Mix-up 引起混乱的错误

There’s been a bit of mix-up. 有一些误会。

Sth for sb 给谁的…

Get on with sth 继续做某事

Cope sb in the loop 抄送某人

Sb run late 某人来晚了

Take charge 不及物,负责

A print-out for the agenda for the meeting


Thank you for coming. There are five items on the agenda today. Firstly, secondly, after that, and then, finally…

不在agenda上的,但是别人在会议最后想谈论的事叫做:any other business

Let’s wrap up. = We can wrap up. 意味着会议结束

Lead on sth 领导某事

Be key to sth 对…很重要

That was a nice touch. 一次很好的尝试。

Be in a bit of a panic 有点恐慌


I would be most grateful if you could give me some help.

Please could I ask you for some advice?

I know you are busy but could you spare me a few minutes of your time please?

Pop out 脱口而出

Be of much use 很有用/有帮助

Speciality 特长

At a time like this I would ask XXX. 在这种情况下,我会….

Word of wisdom 智慧之言

Take the lift down to sp 坐电梯去…

Draw up a plan 起草计划

Sb will bite one’s head off = sb will be a bit aggressive

Be stuck for sth 做sth时思路堵塞

Fancy a biscuit? 吃饼干吗?

Be off to do sth 离开(这儿)去做某事了

You are looking a bit nervous. 你看起来有点紧张


Would you mind not doing that please?

I am afraid it’s against company policy.

I am sorry to have to ask you this but you need to do sth.

I am afraid it’s just not permitted.

Stub sth out 熄灭

Tricky day = hard day


On company premises 在公司场地(注意介词on)

Explain oneself 解释自己

Sb go against company policy

Sth be against company policy

Golly gosh天啊

Who was it? 是谁?

Fire assembly point 火灾集合点

Take a register of sth登记

Look into sth 了解,调查

Break out疾病、火灾的爆发

What a busy day this is turning out to be.

There’s no need to panic.

Unlikely 可能性小的

Be off to do 离开去做

In the middle of an important call 正在打电话

Alarm go off 报警器触发

Turn up 出现

In the nick of time 及时,恰好

Pop out 外出

Round here 在这附近

Fetch sb sth 带给某人某物

This is something you can’t get wrong.


Hello, I’d like to check availability and prices for a room please.

Does the price include breakfast?

It was nothing. 没什么(小事一桩)

Be bound to do 将…

Get spooked out 受到惊吓

Hear of 听说

Cereal ['sɪərɪəl] 谷物

Shoe-shine n. 鞋油

Sb seems/looks a bit flustered 激动不安的,慌张的

Fluster (使)警长,心烦意乱 n. 慌乱,激动

Don’t panic. 别慌张/紧张

Bossy 专横的,爱指挥他人的

Meet expectations 符合期望

Freshly squeezed orange juice 鲜榨橙汁

Big chair 会议上最重要的人做的椅子

The outlook is gloomy. = The future doesn’t look good.

Meltdown 垮台,暴跌,熔化

Recession 经济衰退

Call for 需要

Redundancy [rɪˈdʌndənsi] 裁员,解雇

Make international call 能打国际电话

One’s necks will be on the line = one’s job will be at risk if things don’t improve

Lemonade [ˌleməˈneɪd] 柠檬味饮料

It’s going to his head. 微醺,喝醉;冲昏了头脑

It’s all going to his head. 醍醐灌顶

Keep the company afloat 让公司保持运营

At the pub 酒店,酒馆

Be a bit short of cash

Get the hang of sth 掌握某事物的诀窍

Put the feelers out 间接了解某事

How best to do sth

Business on the European market 注意介词on

See sb off 目送某人离开

Do some cold calling 打营销电话

Track down potential clients 追踪潜在客户

Spare time 留出时间

Speak to you in English 用英语和你说话

Be on fine = do sth really well

Her cold calling technique has really warmed up. 她的…技术已经相当娴熟了。

Pitch = top

Pitch v.扔

A football pitch 足球场

On the pitch 场上

Off the pitch 场下

A hang up on B A挂断了B的电话

Be in meltdown 陷入崩溃

Tackle this task = deal with this task

Two heads are better than one.

Ring back 回电话

Be one’s thing 是某人拿手的事情

Meet halfway. =Halfway on the price.

Suppose so. 应当如此

Need a word with sb 和某人谈谈

Touch base about sth 了解某事

Sign the dotted line 签署合同

Keep head above water (尤指在生意方面) 勉强逃脱困境

Price the rivals out of the market 给出低价,赶走竞争对手

Corner the market = dominate the market

Build good relationships with our customers

Rip sb off 敲诈某人

High resolution stills 高分辨率的照片

Squeeze the price 压价

Lead to more contracts

Flatter v.奉承

Lead to 通向

Flatter oneself 自以为是

Have a think about sth

Snap up 抢购便宜或者心仪之物

Undercut v.削价竞争

Pack v.打包行李

Pull up a chair 推张椅子过来

Outbound date 出发日期

Is there any chance +句子? …有可能吗?

Bumpy 不平的,颠簸的

As I said on the phone 就像我电话中说的那样

Subtle 机智的,狡猾的,不明显的

Throw in 附带奉上,把…加进计划或者讨论

It is a pleasure doing sth

Thank you for sparing time to see us.

Come with 有

Predicament [prɪ'dɪkəm(ə)nt] 困境

For once 就这一次

Keep sb in the picture 让某人了解情况

After all 毕竟

Munch v.用力咀嚼

Close the deal = get the deal

Lose the signal 手机没信号了

It was quite an experience. 这是一次不同寻常的经历

Allegedly [ə'ledʒɪdlɪ] 据称

Get on like a house on fire 一见如故


Boss sb around 指使某人

It can sometimes be tricky doing sth.

Develop a good working relationship

Sth comes first. Sth最重要

Be struggling to do 挣扎着做sth

Sue sb for sth 因…而控告某人

Keep sth under one’s hat = keep it secret

Pull one’s weight 做好自己分内的工作

Speaking personally 个人意见

Bring sth to one’s attention

You save the day. 帮了某人忙。

Attend to business = take care of business

Mess sth up 弄糟某事

Sort out 整理,解决问题,理清头绪

Spoil sth 破坏,糟蹋

Be on fire 精神状态好,状态好

Have irons in the fire 同时有好几件事要做

Stick to the facts 尊重事实

Get personal about sb 以个人情绪对待某人

Refer sth to sb 把…提交/委托给…

Sb higher 更高职位的人

Be in a bit of mood 心情不好

Leave it with me. 我来解决。











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