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Chapter One Overview1

Section 1 Introduction to International Trade 国际贸易简介1

1.1 International Trade and Its Importance 国际贸易及其重要性1

1.2 Rationale for International Trade 国际贸易的根由3

1.3 Major Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade


1.4 Classification of International Trade 国际贸易分类8

Section 2 Basic Procedures of Import and Export Business 进出口贸易的基本流程12

2.1 Preparation for Business 贸易前的准备13

2.2 Business Negotiation 商务谈判14

2.3 Performance of a Contract 合同履行15

2.4 Follow-up Work after the Import and Export 进出口善后工作19

Section 3 Required Skills for International Trade 国际贸易业务技能22

Section 4 Electronic Commerce and EDI 电子商务及电子数据交换24

4.1 E-commerce 电子商务 25

4.2 EDI 电子数据交换27

Chapter Two Preparation for Import and Export Transactions31

Section 1 Getting Familiar with a Commodity 了解商品31

1.1 What Is a Commodity? 什么是商品32

1.2 Knowledge about a Commodity 商品知识32

Section 2 Overseas Market Research and Analysis 海外市场调研和分析34

2.1 The Process of Research about the International Market


2.2 What to Be Researched about the International Market


2.3 Sources for Information of the International Market


2.4 Analyzing the Research Findings and Preparing a Report


Section 3 Channels of Developing Overseas Customers 开发海外客户的渠道39

3.1 Ways to Find Overseas Customers 寻找海外客户的途径39

3.2 Choosing Qualified Customers 选择合格客户41

Section 4 Marketing Program 营销方案42

4.1 Product Strategy 产品策略42

4.2 Pricing Strategy 价格策略44

4.3 Placing Strategy 渠道策略44

4.4 Promoting Strategy 促销策略44

Section 5 Application for a License and a Quota 进出口许可证和配额的申请46

5.1 Role of an Import or Export License 进出口许可证的作用46

5.2 Role of an Import or Export Quota 进出口配额的作用47

5.3 Procedures of Applying for a License and a Quota


Chapter Three International Trade Negotiation51

Section 1 Procedure of Negotiation 谈判的程序52

1.1 Preparation for Business Negotiation 商务谈判前的准备52

1.2 What to Be Negotiated 谈判的内容53

1.3 Inquiry 询盘54

1.4 Offer 发盘55

1.5 Counter-offer 还盘61

1.6 Acceptance 接受62

Section 2 Conclusion of a Contract 达成合同65

2.1 What Is a Contract? 什么是合同?65

2.2 Importance of a Written Contract 书面合同的重要性66

2.3 Format of a Sales Contract 销售合同的格式67

Chapter Four Terms and Conditions of a Sales Contract73

Section 1 Description of Goods 商品描述74

1.1 Quality 质量74

1.2 Quantity 数量77

1.3 Packing 包装80

Section 2 Price 价格85

2.1 Factors That Influence Commodity Pricing 影响商品价格的因素85

2.2 Incoterms 2010 国际贸易术语解释通则201086

2.3 Trade Terms 贸易术语87

2.4 Conversion of Three Main Trade Terms 三种主要贸易术语的换算95

2.5 Price Clauses in a Contract 合同中的价格条款95

Section 3 Transport 运输97

3.1 Marine Transport 海上运输97

3.2 Other Types of Transport 其他运输方式99

3.3 Clauses of Shipment 装运条款100

Section 4 Insurance 保险104

4.1 Definition and Basic Principles 定义和基本原则104

4.2 Risks, Losses and Expenses 风险损失和费用107

4.3 Scope of Insurance Coverage 保险险别110

4.4 Calculation of Insurance Premium 保险费的计算111

4.5 Effecting Insurance 办理保险113

4.6 Insurance Clauses in the Contract 合同中的保险条款113

4.7 Insurance Claim 保险索赔113

Section 5 Payment 支付115

5.1 International Payment Instruments 国际(货款)支付工具115

5.2 International Payment Methods 国际(货款)支付方式120

Section 6 Inspection 检验129

6.1 Concept of the Inspection of Goods 货物检验的概念130

6.2 Time and Place of Inspection 检验的时间和地点130

6.3 Inspection Agencies 检验机构132

6.4 Inspection Certificates 检验证书133

6.5 Inspection Standards and Methods 检验标准和方法133

6.6 Inspection Clauses in the Contract 合同中的检验条款135

Chapter Five Contract Executing (Import and Export)137

Section 1 L/C Affairs信用证业务138

Section 2 Preparing the Commodity for Export 出口备货145

2.1 Following Up the Quality 质量跟单146

2.2 Quantity 数量149

2.3 Packing Marking 包装和唛头150

Section 3 Inspection and Customs Clearance 检验与报关152

3.1 Inspection of Import and Export Commodities 进出口商品的检验152

3.2 Customs Clearance 清关153

Section 4 Arranging Shipment 安排装运155

4.1 Parties Involved in Shipment 运输的当事人156

4.2 General Procedures of Shipment 运输的一般程序156

4.3 Matters Needing Attention 注意事项157

Section 5 Documentation and Settlement of Exchange 制单与结汇158

5.1 Bills of Exchange 汇票159

5.2 Invoices 发票162

5.3 Packing Lists 装箱单165

5.4 Bills of Lading 提单167

5.5 Insurance Policies 保险单据172

5.6 Certificates of Origin (C/O) 原产地证书176

5.7 Beneficiaryu2019s Certificates 受益人证书177

5.8 Discrepancies 不符点179

Section 6 Disputes and Claims 争议和索赔182

6.1 Force Majeure 不可抗力182

6.2 Disputes and Claims 争议和索赔183

Chapter Six Export Accounting187

Section 1 Composition of Price 价格的组成187

1.1 Export Costs 出口成本187

1.2 Freight, Insurance Premium and Commission 运费、保险费和佣金189

1.3 Expected Profits 预期利润191

1.4 Taxes 税收191

Section 2 Export Rebate 出口退税192

2.1 What Is the Export Rebate? 什么是出口退税?192

2.2 What Is the Export Rebate Rate? 什么是出口退税率?193

2.3 Calculation of the Export Rebate 出口退税的计算193

2.4 General Procedures of the Export Rebate 出口退税的一般流程195











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