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PART ONE LEGALITIES OF Chapter INTERNATIONAL SALES CONTRACT 1 The Applicable Laws for (nternational Sales Contract Commercial Laws- The UN Convention on Contracts for International Sales of Goods-Scope of the Convention On written contract-Important issues beyond the CISG provisions-The Foreign Economic Contract Law of the People' s Republic of China-On applicable law-Breach and remedies-Settlement of disputes 2 Basic Concept of International Sales Contract Contract-What is a contract-Enforceability-Agreement International Sales Contract-International character Sales contract-Different forms of sales contract in inter- national trade-Contents of sales contract 3 Formation of Contract Offer-Definition of an offer-Validity time of offer-With- drawal of offer-Revocation of offer-Termination of offer Chinese trading practices-Acceptance-Definition of ac- ceptance-Revision of an offer-Late acceptance-Time of formation of a contract 4 Performance of Contract The Responsibilities of the Seller To deliver the goods- To hand over the documents relating to the goods-To- transfer the Property to the goods-Responsibilities of the Buyer-To pay the price-To take delivery of the goods 5 Remedies for Breach of Contract The Three Remedies-Remedies for Breach of Contract by the Seller-Remedies for seller' s refusal or delay to deliver the goods-Remedies for seller' s delivery of goods which do not conform with the contract-Reme- dies for Breach of Contract by the Buyer-To require the buyer to perform his obligations-To claim damages-To declare the contract avoided 6 Export And Import Procedures In China Export Procedures-Preparing goods as required under the contract-Examining and amending the L/C-Char- tering proper means of transportation-Documentation and getting paid-Import Procedures-To establish an L/ C with a bank-To make shipping arrangement-To ef- fect insurance-To pay the price and get the title to the goods-To take delivery of the goods and clear the goods from the Customs PART TWO Contents of International Sales contract Chapter 7 Preamble Opening paragragh-Diversity of wording 8 Object of Contract Commodity description-Quality-Samples-Specifications Flexibility in quality-Major and minor points 9 Quantity and Packing Different weight and measure systems-Various kinds of weight-More or less clause-Packing specifications-An important condition 10 Price Varieties of export price-How to choose proper trade terms-Varients of CIF terms-Quoting export price-Es- calation clause-Commission and discount-Open price Price of a complete plant 11 Delivery Delivery and shipment-Time of shipment-Time of ar- rival-Shipping arrangements-Seller' s responsibility In- surance arrangement-Special commodities-Transfer of title-Frozen ports-Destination in a land-locked country Optional destinations 12 Payment Banker' s credit-Exporter' s draft-Kinds of credit-Pay- ment on collection basis-How to protect seller' s interest 13 Inspection Right of inspection-Independent public surveyor-When and where to make inspection-Inspection clause-Price adjustmant-Inspection and certification-Buyer' s accep- tance 14 Erection,Test-run and Operation Import of complete plant-Test-run and operation 15 Force Majeure Definition of Force Majeure-Force Majeure clause 16 Warranty and Remedy Warranty clause-How to make remedy-Need for limita- tions-Resort to litigation-Penalty-Patent right 17 Arbitration,Taxes and Other Provisions Significance of arbitration-Place of arbitration-Be prudent Appendix: Contract










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