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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸百科 > 新编商务英语写作图书目录:


Unit 1 Use of Words 1

n1 Types of Words 3

n2 Use of Proper Words in Proper Places 7

n3 Further-13ps for the Selection of Words 9

n4 Formation of English Words 1 6

nExercises 1 8

nUnit 2 The Making of Sentences 23

n1 Basic Elements 0f a Sentence 25

n2 Types of Sentences 25

n3 Effective Sentences 31

nExercises 40

nUnit 3 Writing Effective Sentences 45

n1 Coordination 47

n2 Subordination 52

n3 Variety 0f Sentence Patterns 57

nExercises 60

nUnit 4 The Paragraph(1):The Major Elements of a Good Paragraph 65

n1 Unity 67

n2 Coherence 70

n3 Focus 78

n4 Completeness 81

n5 Brevity 84

nExercises 86

nUnit 5 The Paragraph(2):The Paragraph Structure and Types 91

n1 Three Parts of the Paragraph 93

n2 Types of Pragraphs105

nExercises 113

nUnit 6 The Paragraph(3):The Development of the Paragraph 119

n1 Planning a Paragraph 121

n2 Developing a Paragraph by-Iqme 123

n3 Developing a Paragraph by Space 125

n4 Developing a Paragraph by Process 128

n5 Developing a Paragraph by Citing Statistics 131

n6 Developing a Paragraph by Comparison and Contrast 133

n7 Developing a Paragraph by Exemplification 135

n8 Developing a Paragraph by Cause and Effect 137

n9 Development by Definition 139

n10 Development by Classification 141

nExercises 143

nUnit 7 The Basic Steps of Writing an Essay 149

n1 Getting Started and Selecting a Topic 151

n2 Narrowing Down the Topic and Writing a Thesis Statement 152

n3 Outlining 154

n4 Writing the First Draft 157

n5 Revising and Editing 162

nExercises 1 64

nUnit 8 Narration 167

n1 Definition 1 69

n2 Basic Elements of Narration 1 70

n3 Types of Narration 170

n4 Tips for Narrative Writing 175

nExercises 182

nUnit 9 Description 185

n1 Definition 187

n2 Basic Elements of Description 187

n3 Basic Types of Description 188

n4 Tips for Writing Descriptions 194

nExercises 195

nUnit 10 Exposition (1):Definition 201

n1 Definition of Exposition 203

n2 Basic Elements of Exposition 203

n3 Types of Techniques Used in Expository Writing 204

n4 Types of Definition204

nExercises 210

nUnit 1 1 Exposition(2):

nClassification and Division 217

n1 Definitions of Classification and Division 21 9

n2 Basic Elements of Classification and Division 222

n3 Principles of Classification and Division 223

nExercises 228

nUnit 12 Exposition (3):Illustration 231

n1 Definition 233

n2 Types of I llustration 233

n3 Basic Elements of Illustration 238

n4 Tips for Using Illustration 238

nExercises 239

nUnit 13 Ixposition(4):Comparison and Contrast 245

n1 Definition 247

n2 Purpose of Writing Comparison and Contrast 247

n3 Pattem of Comparison and Contrast 248

n4 Tips of Writing Comparison and Contrast 252

nExercises 256

nUnit 14 Exposition(5):Cause and Effect 259

n1 Definition 261

n2 Basic Types of Cause-and-effect Pattern 262

n3 Tips of Writing Cause-and-effect Essay 264

nExercises 267

n一Unit 15 Argumentation 271

n1 Definition 273

n2 Basic Elements of Argumentation 273

n3 Principles of

nArgumentative Writing 274

n4 How to Organise an Argument 274

nExercises 279

nUnit16 Practical Writing(1):

nGreetings,Formal Invitations and Personal Letters 289

n1 Greetings and FOrmaI Invitations 291

n2 Personal Letters 295

nExercises 310

nUnit17 Practical Writing(2):

nNotes and Letters of Application and Resume 313

n1 Notes 315

n2 Letters of Application 322

n3 RSsum5 327

nExercises 331

nUnit 18 Summary Writing 333

n1 Definition 335

n2 The Purpose of a Summary 335

n3 Elements of a Good Summary 336

n4 The Basic Steps of Writing a Summary 338

nExercises 346

nUnit19 Figures of Speech 351

n1 Simile 353

n2 Metaphor 354

n3 PersOnu2026cation 354

n4 Metonymy 355

n5 Hyperbole 356

n6 Understatement 356

n7 Euphemism 357

n8 Irony 358

n9 AIliteration 358

n1 0 Synecdoche 359

n1 1 Onomatopoeia 359

n1 2 Antithesis 360

n1 3 Parallelism 361

n14 Oxymoron 361

n15 Pun 362

nExercises 363

nUnit 20 Punctuation 365

n1 The Comma 367

n2 The Period 369

n3 The Semicolon 369

n4 111e Colon 371

n5 Quotation Marks 371

n6 The Question Mark 373

n7 111e Exclamation Mark 373

n8 Parentheses and Brackets 373

n9 The Dash 374

n10 Italics and Underlining 375

nExercises 375

nKeys 377










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