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Unit One Layout of a Business Letter
Unit Two Establishment of Business Relations
Sample 1 A Letter from an Exporter
Sample 2 A I.etter from an Importer
Sample 3 A Reply
Sample 4 Credit Inquiry
Typical Sentences on Establishment of Business Relations
Review and Exercises

Unit Three Enquiry Offer
Sample 1 A First Enquiry
Sample 2 A Specific Enquiry
Sample 3 A Reply to an Enquiry
Sample 4 A Firm Offer
Sample 5 A Non-Firm Offer
Typical Sentences on Enquiry Offer
Review and Exercises

Unit Four Counter-offer Order
Sample 1 A Counter-offer
Sample 2 Accepting a Counter-offer
Sample 3 Declining a Counter-offer
Sample 4 A First Order
Sample 5 Confirmation of an Order
Sample 6 Sending an S/C
Typical Sentences on Counter-offer Order
Review and Exercises

Unit Five Payment
Sample 1 Asking for Payment by T/T
Sample 2 Asking for D/P Terms
Sample 3 Proposing to Pay by 30 Days L/C
Sample 4 A Specimen L/C
Sample 5 Amending the L/C
Typical Sentences on Payment
Review and Exercises

Unit Six Packing Shipment
Sample 1 Packing Requirement
Sample 2 Inner Packing
Sample 3 Proposing Transshipment
Sample 4 Shipping Instructions
Samole 5 Shipping Advice
Typical Sentences on Packing & Shipment
Review and Exercises

Unit Seven Insurance
Sample 1 Asking for Insurance Arrangement
Sample 2 Asking for Excessive Insurance
Sample 3 Open Policy
Typical Sentences on Insurance
Review and Exercises

Unit Eight Claim
Sample 1 Claim for Inferior Quality
Sample 2 Claim for Short Delivery
Sample 3 Settlement of a Claim
Typical Sentences on Claim
Review and Exercises
Unit Nine Documentation










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