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Chapter 1 General Principles of Business Letter Writing
商务信函写作的基本原则 1
1 Completeness 完整性 1
1.1 Provide All Necessary Information 提供所有必须的信息 2
1.2 Answer All Questions Asked 回答所有问及的问题 2
1.3 Give Something Extra When Desirable 提供必要的额外信息 3
2 Conciseness 简明性 3
2.1 Eliminate Wordy Expressions避免冗余的词句 3
2.2 Include Only Relevant Material只使用相关的信息 4
2.3 Avoid Unnecessary Repetition 避免不必要的重复 4
3 Consideration 体谅性 5
3.1 Focus on u201cYouu201d in Positive Situations正面情形多使用u201c您u201d 5
3.2 Depersonalize in Sensitive Situations敏感情形避用人称 5
3.3 Show Reader Benefit展现读者的利益 6
3.4 Emphasize Positive Facts 强调积极的信息 6
4 Concreteness 具体性 6
4.1 Use Specific Facts and Figures使用具体的信息和数据 7
4.2 Put Action in Your Verbs尽量使用动词 7
4.3 Choose Vivid, Imageu2014Building Words使用生动形象的用语 7
5 Clarity 清楚性 8
5.1 Choose Precise, Concrete and Familiar Words选择准确、具体和常用的词语 8
5.2 Construct Effective Sentences and Paragraphs有效地组织句子和段落 9
6 Courtesy 礼貌性 10
6.1 Be Sincerely Tactful and Appreciative 使用得体诚恳的词句 10
6.2 Use Expressions that Show Respect 使用表示尊敬的词句 11
6.3 Choose Nonu2014Discriminatory Expressions使用非歧视性的词句 11
7 Correctness 正确性 12
7.1 Use the Right Level of Language使用合适的语言 12
7.2 Use Right Figures, Facts and Words使用准确的数据、事实和词句 13
7.3 Maintain Acceptable Writing Mechanics使用恰当的写作技巧 13
Exercises习题 14
Chapter 2 The Layout Format of the Business Letter商务信函格式 21
1 Full Block Style 完全齐头式 21
2 Modified Block Style段落齐头式 23
3 Indented Style 段落首行缩进式 24
4 General Points about Business Letter Layout 商务信函格式要点 25
5 The Layout Style of Fax 传真的格式 25
6 The Layout Style of Business Email 电子邮件的格式 25
Exercises 习题 29
Chapter 3 The Components of a Business Letter商务信函结构 31
1 The Letterhead信头 32
2 Date Line 日期 33
3 The Inside Address封内地址 33
4 The Salutation 称呼 36
5 The Body 正文 39
6 The Complimentary Close 结尾敬语 40
7 The Signature 签名 41
8 The Attention Line 主办人或经办人 43
9 Subject Line 事由 44
10 Enclosure Notation 附件 44
11 Copy Notation抄送 45
12 The Reference Initials 备忘署名 45
13 Mailing and Classification Notations 邮递分级标示 46
14 Postscript (u201cP.S.u201d u201cPSu201d ) 附言 47
15 The Next Page Notation 续页标识 47
16 Envelopes 信封 48
17 Interoffice Memoranda 备忘录 49
Exercises 习题 53
Chapter 4 The Practical Approach of Business Document Writing
商务文书写作的实用步骤 59
1 Five Planning Steps 商务文书写作计划五步曲 59
1.1 Identify Your Purpose明确问题 59
1.2 Analyze Your Audience分析读者 60
1.3 Choose Your Ideas选择内容 60
1.4 Collect Your Data搜集数据 60
1.5 Organize Your Message 组织信息 61
2 Direct and Indirect Writing Approaches 直接与间接写作方法 61
2.1 The Direct Approach 直接法 61
2.2 The Indirect Approach 间接法 62
3 Business Writing Pyramid 商务写作u201c金字塔u201d 63
Exercises 习题 66
Chapter 5 Writing Informative Business Messages告知性商务文书写作 69
1 Writing Positive and Neutral Messages 正面和中性消息的写作 69
1.1 Formal Invitation Letters 请柬 70
1.2 Announcement Letters 通知信函 71
1.3 Transmittal Letters封面信函 72
2 Writing Negative Messages 负面信息的写作 75
2.1 Refusing Credit 拒绝提供商业信用 75
2.2 Declining Invitations and Requests for Favors拒绝邀请和请求
2.3 Negative Reply to an Invitation 回拒邀请 76
2.4 Unfavorable Unsolicited Messages主动发出的消极信息 76
Exercises 习题 78
Chapter 6 Writing Persuasive Business Messages说服性商务文书写作 81
1 Requests for Products or Services求购产品和服务 82
2 Complaints 申诉 83
3 Requests for Settlement of Payment付款请求 84
4 Solicited Sales Letters 回应式推销信 84
5 Unsolicited Sales Letters自发式推销信 85
Exercises 习题 87
Chapter 7 Enquiries and Offers询盘和发盘 91
1 Enquiries 询盘 91
2 Unsolicited Offers 主动发盘 93
3 Solicited Offers 回应式发盘 93
4 Counter Offers 还盘 94
Useful Sentences 常用词句 96
Exercises 习题 98
Chapter 8 Orders and Acknowledgements订单和确认 99
1 Orders 订单 99
2 Acceptance of Orders 接受订单 100
3 Acceptance of Orders with Changes接受订单但有改动 102
4 Suggesting Order Substitutes建议订购替代商品 102
5 Rejection of Orders 拒绝订单 103
Useful Sentences 常用词句 104
Exercises 习题 105
Chapter 9 Transport运输 107
1 Enquiry to Charter a Ship租船请求 107
2 Reply 租船答复 108
3 Shipping Instructions 装运指示 108
4 Shipping Advice 装运通知 109
5 Urging Immediate Shipment 敦促立即装运 110
Useful Sentences 常用词句 111
Exercises 习题 113
Chapter 10 Insurance保险 115
1 Urging to Insure敦促投保 115
2 Enquiry for Insurance投保询盘 116
3 Reply to Enquiry询盘答复 117
4 Confirmation 确认 118
Useful Sentences 常用词句 119
Exercises 习题 121
Chapter 11 Payment支付 123
1 A Request for Payment by L/C要求用信用证付款 123
2 A Request for Opening L/C申请开立信用证 124
3 The Bank Agreement to Open L/C银行同意开立信用证 125
4 A Notice to the Seller 通知卖方 126
5 A Request for Amending L/C 请求修改信用证 126
6 Presentation of Documents by the Seller 卖方提示付款 128
7 A Refusal by the Bank 银行拒付 128
8 A Request for Payment by the Seller 卖方请求银行付款 129
9 A Request for Payment by the Bank 银行要求买方付款 130
Useful Sentences 常用词句 132
Exercises 习题 135
Chapter 12 Claims and Adjustments索赔和理赔 137
1 A Claim about Short Weight 短量索赔 137
2 Reply to Claim 索赔的答复 138
3 A Claim about Quality 质量问题申诉 139
4 A Rejection of Claim 拒绝索赔的答复 141
Useful Sentences 常用词句 142
Exercises 习题 143
Chapter 13 Tenders招投标 145
1 An Invitation for Tender招标邀请 146
2 Letter of the Bid (Bid Form) 投标函 147
3 Power of Attorney 授权书 149
4 Banku2019s Reference Letter 银行资信证明函 150
5 Reference Letter from the Bidderu2019s Clients 投标人用户推荐函 150
6 Qualification Statement of the Bidder 投标人资质声明函 152
7 Bid Bond 投标保证金 152
8 Performance Bond 履约保函 153
9 Bid Clarification Letter 投标文件澄清函 155
10 Writing an RFP RFP写作 156
11 Writing a professional RFP专业RFP写作 156
12 Common Elements of an RFP RFP的主要内容 157
13 The RFP Cover Letter RFP封面函 158
14 The RFP Letter of Intent 针对RFP的意向书 162
15 The Nou2014Bid Letter 不参加投标函 163
16 The Contract Award Letter 中标通知书 165
17 The RFP Disqualification Letter 不符合RFP要求的告知函 166
18 The RFP Rejection Letter 未中标告知函 167
Useful Sentences常用词句 169
Exercises 习题 171
Chapter 14 Agency代理 175
1 Agency or Dealership Requests 代理或经销的请求 175
2 An Acceptance of Application 接受申请 177
3 A Rejection of Application 拒绝申请 178
Useful Sentences 常用词句 179
Exercises 习题 181
Reading Materials: Distributorship Agreement 经销协议 182
Chapter 15 Consignment and Exhibition Sales寄售和展卖 187
1 A Request for Goods on Consignment 建议寄售商品 187
2 An Acceptance 接受建议 188
3 A Request for Goods on Exhibition Sales 建议展卖商品 189
4 Acceptance of Proposal接受建议 190
Useful Sentences 常用词句 191
Exercises 习题 191
Chapter 16 Barter Compensation and Processing Trade易货补偿和加工贸易 193
1 A Proposal for Barter Trade 提议易货贸易 193
2 A Reply to the Proposal 对提议的回复 194
3 A Proposal for Compensation Trade提议补偿贸易 195
4 A Reply to Compensation Trade 对补偿贸易的回复 195
5 A Proposal for Processing Trade加工贸易建议书 196
6 A Reply to Processing Trade Proposal对加工贸易建议的回复 197
Useful Sentences 常用词句 198
Exercises 习题 199
Chapter 17 Setting up Sinou2014Foreign Joint Venture创办中外合资企业 201
1 Letter of Intent for a Joint Venture合资企业意向书 202
2 About Investment Environment关于投资环境 202
3 Registration of a Joint Venture注册合资企业 203
4 Application Letter for Registration of a Joint Venture 注册合资企业的申请204
Useful Sentences 常用词句 205
Exercises 习题 207
Chapter 18 Other Business Documents其他商务文书 209
1 Confirming the Verbal Agreement确认口头达成的协议 209
2 Apology Letter 道歉信 210
3 Meeting Appointment Letter预约会见 211
4 Congratulations 祝贺信 211
5 Invitation 邀请信 212
6 Notice 通知 213
7 Promotional Letter促销信函 214
8 Thanks Letter感谢信函 215
9 Welcome Letter 欢迎信函 216
10 Resume and Its Cover Letter简历与附信 216
11 Recommendation Letter推荐信 219
12 To Whom It May Concern Letter给相关负责人的信 222
Useful Sentences常用词句 225
Exercises习题 226
附录一 习题参考答案 227
附录二 英汉对照国际商务常用缩写 243
附录三 英汉对照国际商务常用词汇 251
附录四 各种货币名称及标准缩写符号 265
附录五 英国与美国在贸易领域常用字拼写差异对照表 273
主要参考文献 275










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