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当前位置:首页 > 外贸课堂 > 外贸百科 > 新世界商务英语系列教材:英语商务信函写作图书目录


Chapter 1准确和正确Correctness
1 术语准确Accuracy with Industrial Terms
2信息准确Information Accuracy
3语意正确Correct Messages
4拼写正确Spelling Notes
5综合应用Integrated Application
Chapter 2数词的写法Amounts and Numbers
1数词的写法Word Style or Numeral Style
2只能使用阿拉伯数词Numerical Digits Only
3只能使用文字数词Words Only
4注意事项Important Cautions
5综合应用Integrated Application
Chapter 3词法正确Correct Diction
1 名词Nouns
2 冠词DefiIliteIndefinite Articles
3 动词VerbsVerbal Phrases
5综合应用Integrated Application
Chapter 4语法正确Correct Grammar
1 常见问题Common Problems by Chinese Writers
2 平行结构Parallel Structure
3修饰语错位Dangling Modifiers
4不间断句子Runu2014on Sentences
5 短语句Fragment Sentences
Chapter 5汉化英语Chinglish
1 类型Types of Chinglish
2恶性中式英语Malignant Chinglish
3 动词连用Too Many Verbs
4 良性中式英语Benign Chinglish
5综合应用Integrated Applications
Chapter 6具体化Concreteness
1 概述An Overview
2信息完整全面Complete with the Six W's
3细节完整具体Concreteness in Action
4使用具体词汇Using Concrete Words
5相关问题Important Cautions
Chapter 7体谅对方Considerateness
1对方为重You Attitude
2肯定与否定Positive vs.Negative
3角度恰当Appropriate Perspectives
4人情味Personal vs.Impersonal
5尊重文化差异Cultural Awareness
Chapter 8清楚易懂Clarity
1语意清楚Clear Messages
2语句连贯Unity and Coherence
3逻辑布局Logical Flow
4语义重心Semantic Focus
5 信息格式化Information Formatting
Chapter 9简明扼要Conciseness
1 无关信息Relevant Facts Only
2冗词和罗嗦Reducing Redundancies
3使用简单词Use Simple Words
4多用动词Using Action Verbs
5精简句子结构Streamlining Structure
Chapter 10恭敬礼貌Courtesy
1 及时答复Timely Response
2最好不说Better Not to Say It
3政治问题Politically Correct
4礼貌友好Friendly Expressions
5 词语褒贬Complimentary vs.Derogatory
Chapter 11与时俱进Currency
1 名正言顺Updating Names
2语言陈腐Clichés to Avoid
3物尽其用Working Clichés Welcome
4与时俱进Modern Remodeling
5多样化表达Expressions Diversified
Chapter 12一般询函Routine Requests
1定义与种类Nature Types of Requests
2撰写步骤Writing a Request
3一般询问例信Exemplary Routine Requests
Chapter 13应求与自发询函Special Requests
1 文本特征Important Features
2应求询问Solicited Requests
3 自发询问Unsolicited Requests
4语言问题Language Issues
Chapter 14肯定回复Positive Replies
1回复的性质Natures ofResponses
2回复策略Approaches in Responses
3肯定性回复Positive Responses
4肯定性回复例信Exemplary Positive Replies
5详解一例A Mini Case
Chapter 15否定回复Negative Replies
1直接否定Deductive Approach in Simple Negatives
2间接否定Inductive Approach in Negative Replies
3撰写步骤Writing a Negative Message
4否定性回复例信Negative Replies in the Inductive Approach
Chapter 16询价、报价与还价Enquiries,Offers and Counteroffers
1 询价概述Enquiries with Examples
2报价概述Offers with Examples
3还价概述Counteroffers with Examples
Chapter 17订单与确认Orders and Replies
1格式化订单Form Order Letters
2订购函Standard Orders Letters
3订货确认函Replies to Orders
Chapter 18索赔与回复Claims and Replies
1概述An Overview
4回复例信Replies to Complaints and Claims










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