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Module 1 Fundamentals of English

nBusiness Letter-Writing 1

nLearning Objectives 1

nⅠ. Formats of Business Letters 1

nⅡ. Principles of Business Letter-Writing 2

nⅢ. Structure of Business Letters 2

n1. The Essential Parts of a Business Letter 2

n2. The Miscellaneous Parts of a Business Letter 5

nⅣ. Examples of Business Letters 7

nⅤ. A Brief Introduction of E-mails 10

nⅥ. Ways of Envelope Addressing and the Standardized Designs 11

nExercises 13

nModule 2 Establishing Business Relations 15

nLearning Objectives 15

nIntroduction 15

nWriting Skills 16

nSpecimen Letters 16

nLetter 1 A letter to a New Customer for Establishment of Business

nRelations 16

nLetter 2 On Establishing Business Relations 17

nLetter 3 A Request to Establish Business

nRelations 17

nLetter 4 A Reply to the Above Letter 18

nLetter 5 An Introduction of theCompany and Products 18

nLetter 6 A Positive Reply from an Importer 19

nNotes 19

nLanguage Focus 24

nExercises 26

nModule 3 Status Enquiries 31

nLearning Objectives 31

nIntroduction 31

nWriting Skills 32

nSpecimen Letters 33

nLetter 1 Asking for Credit Information 33

nLetter 2 A Favorable Reply 33

nLetter 3 A Status Enquiry from a Consulting Agency 34

nLetter 4 An Unfavorable Reply from the Chamber of Commerce 34

nLetter 5 An Enquiry about Credit and Status 34

nLetter 6 An Enquiry about Financial and Credit Standing 35

nNotes 35

nLanguage Focus 39

nExercises 40

nModule 4 Sales Promotion 45

nLearning Objectives 45

nIntroduction 45

nWriting Skills 46

nSpecimen Letters 47

nLetter 1 A Letter Promoting Sportswear 47

nLetter 2 A Follow-up Letter for After-sales Service 47

nLetter 3 Introducing Machinery 48

nLetter 4 Marketing Wool Under blanket 48

nLetter 5 Recommending Ladies' Dresses 49

nLetter 6 Offering a Discount 49

nNotes 50

nLanguage Focus 52

nExercises 54

nModule 5 Enquiries 59

nLearning Objectives 59

nIntroduction 59

nWriting Skills 60

nSpecimen Letters 61

nLetter 1 First Enquiry for Clothes 61

nLetter 2 A Reply to the Above 61

nLetter 3 An Enquiry for Fashion Goods 62

nLetter 4 A General Enquiry 62

nLetter 5 An Invitation to Offer 63

nLetter 6 An Enquiry for Cameras 63

nNotes 64

nLanguage Focus 65

nExercises 67

nModule 6 Quotations and Offers 71

nLearning Objectives 71

nIntroduction 71

nWriting Skills 72

nSpecimen Letters 73

nLetter 1 An Offer for Ladies' Nylon Stockings 73

nLetter 2 Reply to Buyer's Enquiry for Color TV Sets 73

nLetter 3 Quotations for Cotton and Nyloned-Silk 74

nLetter 4 An Offer to an Old Client 74

nLetter 5 An Offer without Engagement 75

nLetter 6 An Offer for Auto Parts 75

nNotes 76

nLanguage Focus 78

nExercises 80

nModule 7 Counter-offers 83

nLearning Objectives 83

nIntroduction 83

nWriting Skills 84

nSpecimen Letters 84

nLetter 1 A Counter-offer for Canada

nOats 84

nLetter 2 Declining a Counter-offer 85

nLetter 3 A Counter-offer on Delivery 85

nLetter 4 Counter-offer on Quantity 86

nLetter 5 Concession on Price 86

nNotes 87

nLanguage Focus 89

nExercises 91

nModule 8 Acceptance and Orders 95

nLearning Objectives 95

nIntroduction 95

nWriting Skills 96

nSpecimen Letters 97

nLetter 1 Confirming the Purchase and Sending an Order 97

nLetter 2 A Reply to an Order 98

nLetter 3 Declining an Order and Offering a Substitute 98

nLetter 4 Acknowledgement of Order 99

nLetter 5 Accepting the Offer and Placing an Order 99

nLetter 6 Confirming an Order 100

nNotes 100

nLanguage Focus 103

nExercises 105

nModule 9 Terms of Payment 109

nLearning Objectives 109

nIntroduction 109

nWriting Skills 110

nSpecimen Letters 111

nLetter 1 On Payment by D/P 111

nLetter 2 Agreeing to D/P Payment 111

nLetter 3 Insisting on Payment

nby L/C 112

nLetter 4 Asking for D/A Payment 112

nLetter 5 Payment at 60 days Sight 113

nLetter 6 Payment by T/T 113

nNotes 114

nLanguage Focus 117

nExercises 119

nModule 10 Payment by Letter of

nCredit 123

nLearning Objectives 123

nIntroduction 123

nWriting Skills 124

nSpecimen Letters 125

nLetter 1 Urging Establishment of L/C 125

nLetter 2 Urging Establishment of Letter of Credit 126

nLetter 3 Advising the Opening of an L/C 126

nLetter 4 Amendment to Letter of Credit 127

nLetter 5 Requesting Extension of the L/C 128

nLetter 6 A Reply to the Above Letter 128

nNotes 131

nLanguage Focus 133

nExercises 135

nModule 11 Packing and Marking 141

nLearning Objectives 141

nIntroduction 141

nWriting Skills 143

nSpecimen Letters 143

nLetter 1 Reply to Customer's Enquiry about Packing 143

nLetter 2 Modifying the Packing 144

nLetter 3 A Reply to the Above 145

nLetter 4 Customer's Requirement about Packing 145

nLetter 5 Accepting the Packing Requirements 146

nLetter 6 Advising the Buyer of the

nPacking 146

nNotes 147

nLanguage Focus 149

nExercises 151

nModule 12 Shipment and Delivery 155

nLearning Objectives 155

nIntroduction 155

nWriting Skills 156

nSpecimen Letters 157

nLetter 1 Shipping Instructions 157

nLetter 2 Urging Shipment of Goods 158

nLetter 3 A reply to the Above Letter 158

nLetter 4 Advising Shipment 159

nLetter 5 A Letter of Shipping Advice 159

nLetter 6 A Specimen Shipping Advice 160

nNotes 160

nLanguage Focus 162

nExercises 165

nModule 13 Insurance 169

nLearning Objectives 169

nIntroduction 169

nWriting Skills 171

nSpecimen Letters 172

nLetter 1 Enquiring about Insurance 172

nLetter 2 Reply to an Enquiry about Insurance 172

nLetter 3 The Buyer's Request for Insurance 172

nLetter 4 A Reply to the Above Letter 173

nLetter 5 A Favorable Reply to

nImporter's Request 173

nNotes 175

nLanguage Focus 176

nExercises 178

nModule 14 Conclusion and Contract 183

nLearning Objectives 183

nIntroduction 183

nWriting Skills 184

nSpecimen Letters 185

nLetter 1 Confirming Conclusion of a

nTransaction 185

nLetter 2 Sending a Purchase Contract 185

nLetter 3 Confirming a Transaction 186

nLetter 4 Counter-signature 186

nNotes 190

nLanguage Focus 191

nExercises 192

nModule 15 Complaints and Claims 197

nLearning Objectives 197

nIntroduction 197

nWriting Skills 198

nSpecimen Letters 199

nLetter 1 A Claim for Poor Packing 199

nLetter 2 A Claim for Inferior Quality 199

nLetter 3 Settlement of the Above Claim 200

nLetter 4 Claim for Delay in Delivery 200

nLetter 5 Reply to the Above Letter 201

nLetter 6 Complaining about Short Shipment 201

nLetter 7 Rejecting a Claim 202

nNotes 202

nLanguage Focus 203

nExercises 206

nModule 16 Agency 209

nLearning Objectives 209

nIntroduction 209

nWriting Skills 210

nSpecimen Letters 211

nLetter 1 Asking for Sole Agency 211

nLetter 2 A Favourable Reply 211

nLetter 3 Declining the Agency Application 212

nLetter 4 Looking for an Agent 212

nLetter 5 Confirm the Key Points of Agency 213

nLetter 6 Agreeing to Renewal of a Sole Agency Agreement 213

nNotes 216

nLanguage Focus 218

nExercises 219

nRevision 223

nReference Keys 245

nBibliography 参考文献 275










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