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Chapter ILayout and Transmission of a Business Letter (1)
Composition of a Business Letter(3)
Layout of a Business Letter(5)
Envelope Addressing(10)
Fax or Facsimile Transmission(13)
Professional Advice(15)
Chapter II Establishment of Business Relations(17)
Lesson OneAttempt to Establish Business Relations with the Buyer(20)
Lesson TwoOn-line Promotional Letter (23)
Lesson ThreeRequest for Credit Information(26)
Additional Specimens(29)
Sample 1Contacting the Clients after Meeting in the Fair(29)
Sample 2Contacting the Past Buyer(29)
Sample 3Selling More to a Regular Buyer(29)
Sample 4Credit Enquiry(30)
Skill Training For the Establishment of Business Relations(30)
Useful Expressions for Chapter II(30)
Professional Advice(31)
Chapter IIIEnquiries and Replies(33)
Lesson Four(A) A General Enquiry(36)
(B) A Reply to the Above(37)
Lesson FiveA Specific Enquiry(40)
Additional Specimens(43)
Sample 1Ready to Offer a Sample,but Require Payment for Shipping(43)
Sample 2Declining a Buyers Request(43)
Sample 3Refusing to Send the Full Range of Samples(44)
Skill Training for Enquiries and Replies(44)
Useful Expressions for Chapter III(44)
Professional Advice(45)
Chapter IVOffers, Counter-Offers and Counter-Counter Offers (47)
Lesson SixA Non-Firm Offer(51)
Lesson SevenA Counter-Offer(54)
Lesson EightA Counter-Counter Offer(58)
Additional Specimens(61)
Sample 1A Firm Offer(61)
Sample 2Explainng the Price Increase when Making an Offer to an
Old Customer(61)
Sample 3Making a Counter-offer on Reduction of Minimum Quantity(62)
Sample 4Making a Counter-offer on Delivery Date(62)
Sample 5Refusing a Counter-offer(62)
Skill Training for Offers, Counter-Offers and Counter-Counter Offers(63)
Useful Expressions for Chapter IV(64)
Professional Advice(65)
Chapter VConclusion of Business(67)
Lesson NinePlacing an Order(70)
Lesson Ten(A) Sending a Contract (74)
(B) Sending a Copy of Contract with Countersignature(75)
Lesson Eleven(A) Placing a Repeat Order(81)
(B) Declining to a Repeat Order(81)
Additional Specimens(84)
Sample 1How to Deal with the Changing of Orders(84)
Sample 2Not Being Able to Supply the Whole Lot(84)
Sample 3Canceling the Order(85)
Skill Training for Conclusion of Business(85)
Useful Expressions for Chapter V(87)
Professional Advice(88)
Chapter VIPayment(89)
Lesson Twelve(A) Asking for D/P(94)
(B) Declining D/P (94)
Lesson Thirteen(A) Modifying Terms of Payment(99)
(B) Agreeing to the Above Proposal(99)
Lesson FourteenAnswering the Request for Payment by D/A (102)
Additional Specimens(105)
Sample 1Asking for Delay Payment(105)
Sample 2Replying to a Proposal to Pay by a 30-day L/C(105)
Sample 3Final Settlement(105)
Skill Training for Payment(106)
Useful Expressions for Chapter VI(107)
Professional Advice(108)
Chapter VIIEstablishment of L/C and Amendment(109)
Lesson Fifteen(A)Urging Establishment of L/C(113)
(B) A Reply to the Above(113)
Lesson SixteenAsking for the Extension of L/C (117)
Lesson SeventeenAsking for L/C Amendment (120)
Additional Specimens(124)
SampleL/C Amendment (124)
Skill Training for Establishment of L/C and Amendment(125)
Useful Expressions for Chapter VII(126)
Professional Advice(127)
Chapter VIIIPacking(129)
Lesson EighteenPacking Requirements(133)
Lesson NineteenPacking Arrangement (136)
Lesson TwentyShipping Marks(139)
Additional Specimens(141)
Sample 1Improving Packing for Future Dealings(141)
Sample 2Inner Packing(141)
Sample 3Outer Packing(142)
Skill Training for Packing(142)
Useful Expressions for Chapter VIII(142)
Professional Advice(143)
Chapter IXShipment(145)
Lesson Twenty-One(A) Urging Shipment(148)
(B) Reply to Urging Shipment(148)
Lesson Twenty-Two(A)Asking for Partial Shipment and Transshipment (151)
(B) Reply to the Above(151)
Lesson Twenty-ThreeShipping Advice (155)
Additional Specimens(158)
Sample 1Providing the Information on the Container Service(158)
Sample 2A Reply to the Container Service(158)
Skill Training for Shipment(158)
Useful Expressions for Chapter IX(158)
Professional Advices(159)
Chapter XInsurance(161)
Lesson Twenty-FourAsking for CFR Terms(166)
Lesson Twenty-Five(A)Asking the Seller to Cover Insurance(169)
(B) Reply to the Insurance Request(169)
Lesson Twenty-SixInsurance Clause(172)
Additional Specimens(175)
Sample 1Insurance Claim(175)
Sample 2Insurance Premium(176)
Skill Training for Insurance(176)
Useful Expressions for Chapter X(176)
Professional Advice(177)
Chapter XIComplaints and Claims(179)
Lesson Twenty-SevenComplaint of Late Delivery(182)
Lesson Twenty-Eight(A) Importers Claim for Inferior Quality(185)
(B) Reply to the Claim for Inferior Quality(186)
Lesson Twenty-Nine(A) Importers Claim for Improper Packing(191)
(B) Declining the Claim(192)
Additional Specimens(194)
Sample 1Claim for Short Weight(194)
Sample 2Complaint of Wrong Goods Delivery(194)
Skill Training for Complaints and Claims(195)
Useful Expressions for Chapter XI(195
Professional Advice(196)
Chapter XIIAgency(199)
Lesson Thirty(A)Asking for Sole Agency(202)
(B) An Unfavorable Reply(202)
Lesson Thirty-OneA Favorable Reply to the Request for Sole Agency(206)
Additional Specimens(208)
Sample 1Looking for a New Agent(208)
Sample 2Reply to the Request of Agent(208)
Skill Training for Agency(208)
Useful Expressions for Chapter XII(209)
Professional Advice(210)
2.Sales Contract(214)
3.Packing Detail(215)
4.Packing List(216)
5.Bill of Lading(217)
6.Shipping Advice(218)
7.Payment Information from Bank(219)
8.Inspection Report(220)










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