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ezOrder是一家外贸企业的环球资源提供的工具,它是专为客户订单和生产进度监控。顾客可网上下订单,并直接与业务方沟通。它打破了时间的限制,区域限制和语言障碍。 Ezorder可以推荐符合条件的查询。 ezOrder是敏感的买家的采购信息更新和市场发展趋势,它也可以传递这样的信息及时。它有助于跟踪生产进度,物流信息,并写下材料库存状态。 一方面,国际买家可以找到有针对性的供应商,另一方面,供应商可以了解更多的有关市场趋势及掌握订单的价格信息。 ezOrder有助于实现第二次和第三次的营销,并帮助供应商找到更多的上,下游的供应商链,融资和物流行业的公司与第三方合作,建立业务关系和商业社会的沟通机制。 同时,ezOrder可以帮助即时通讯,并提供在线客户服务,以帮助客户掌握生产信息,市场信息;,ezOrder是定制的通信业务为国际买家和中国供应商的工具,它可以用在电脑和手机有网络连接的通信与客户或生产进度和物流随时随地检查更新。 做外贸容易 ezOrder is a foreign trade business tool offered by IBUonline and it is tailor- made for customers to monitor orders and production progress. Customers can check orders online and communicate with the business party directly. It breaks time restrictions, regional restrictions and language barriers. Ezorder can recommend qualified inquiries. ezOrder is sensitive on buyersu2019 purchasing information update and market trend, and it can also transfer such information timely. It helps to trace up production progress and logistics information and write down materials inventory status. On one hand, the international buyer can find out targeted suppliers and on the other hand, suppliers can know more about market trend and price information to grasp orders. ezOrder helps to fulfill second and third marketing and help suppliers to find more upper and lower stream supplier chains, cooperate with the third party of financing and logistics industry companies, establish business relationship and commercial community as well as communication mechanism. Meanwhile, ezOrder can help instant communication and offer online customer service to help customers to master production information, market information; ezOrder is customized communication business tool for international buyers and China suppliers and it can be used on computer and cell phone with internet access to communicate with customers or check updates on production progress and logistics anytime anywhere. Make foreign trade easy










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