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Chapter 1 Meeting and Seeing off迎来送往
Unit 1 Meeting the Foreign Guests迎接外宾
Unit 2 Making Introductions相互介绍
Unit 3 Business Visit商务参观
Unit 4 Arranging Sightseeing安排游玩
Unit 5 Seeing off the Foreign Guests送别外宾

Chapter 2 Establishing Human Relations人脉拓展
Unit 1 Business Invitation商务邀请
Unit 2 Business Banquet商务宴会
Unit 3 Business Appointments商务约会
Unit 4 Presenting Gifts礼尚往来

Chapter 3 Business Trip商务出差
Unit 1 Entry Formality入境手续
Unit 2 AirTravel飞机旅程
Unit 3 Check In入住酒店
Unit 4 Ata Restaurant饭店就餐
Unit 5 Calling on Clients拜访客户

Chapter 4 Trade Procedures贸易流程
Unit 1 Inquiry询盘
Unit 2 Offer and Counter-offer报盘与还盘
Unit 3 Discount and Commission折扣与佣金
Unit 4 Quality and Quantity商品的品质和数量
Unit 510rcier and Confirmation订货与确认
Unit 6 Insurance and Commod时Inspection保险与商检
Unit 7 P8Cking and Shipment包装与装运
Unit 8 Arbitration仲裁

Chapter 5 Trade Negotiations贸易谈判
Unit 1 Price Negotiation价格谈判
Unit 2 Negotiation of Agency Agreement代理权谈判
Unit 3 Negotiation of Terms of Payment支付条款谈判
Unit 4 Contract Negotiation合约谈判
Unit 5 Negotiation on Complaints解决抱怨的谈判
Unit 6 Negotiation of Technology Transfer技术转让谈判
Unit 7 Negotiation of Compensation Trade补偿贸易谈判
Unit 8 Negotiation of Processing Trade and Assembling Business加工与装配贸易谈判

Chapter 6 Marketing市场营销
Unit 1 Market Research市场调研
Unit 2 Advertisement广告创意
Unit 3 Promoting Sales推销产品
Unit 4 After-sale Service售后跟踪

Chapter 7 Trade Fair贸易展销会
Unit 1 Making Arrangements安排参展
Unit 2 Exhibition Sponsors会展赞助
Unit 3 Promoting the Show推广展会
Unit 4 Reception展会接待
Unit 5 Various Kinds of Show各类展会

Chapter 8 Business Meeting商务会议
Unit 1 Preparations会前准备
Unit 2 Beginning the Meeting会议开始
Unit 3Agenda会议议程
Unit 4 Discussion会间讨论
Unit 5 Summarizing the Meeting会议总结










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